Историја уметности
Не постоје подаци о траженом курсу.
Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
T. J. Clark, Farewell to an Idea. Episodes from a History of Modernism, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2001.
G. Pollock, Differencing the Canon. Feminist Desire and the Writing of Art’s Histories, Routledge, London and New York 2006.
Foster, Krauss, Bucloh, Bois, Art Since 1900, Thames& Hudson, London 2004.
S. Mijuškovic, Od samodovoljnosti do smrti slikarstva. Umetničke teorije (i prakse) ruske avangarde, Geopoetika, Beograd 1998
Arthur C. Danto, After the End of Art, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1997
Rosalind Krauss,The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1985
Fer,Batchelor,Wood, Realism, Rationalism, Surrealism, Art between the Wars, The Open University/Yale University, 1993
Yve-Alain Bois, Painting as Model, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1993
Општа допунска литература
Art in Theory 1900-1990, An Anthology of Changing Ideas (ed. C.Harrison & P. Wood), Oxford/Cambridge 1992. (/ КДА / КСЈ)
C.Greenberg, Ogledi o posleratnoj američkoj umetnosti, Novi Sad 1997
Hal Foster, "What’s Neo about the Neo-Avant-Garde?", October 70 (Autumn 1994)
Thierry de Duve, "The Monochrome and the Blank Canvas", Reconstructing Modernism (ed. by Serge Guibaut), The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, str. 299
Benjamin Buchloh, "The Primary Colors for the Second Time: A Paradigm Repetition of the Neo-Avant-Garde," October 37 (Summer 1986)
Thomas McEvilley, "Seeking the Primal through the Paint. The Monochrome Icon", u: The Echile’s Return. Toward a Redefinition of Painting for the Post-Modern Era, Cambridge University Press, 1993
Dokumenti za razumevanje ruske avangarde, priredio S. Mijušković, Geopoetika, Beograd 2003