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Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
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Stefanović, S. 2006. The Domestication of human birth. Documenta Praehistorica XXXIII: 574-581.
Stefanović, S. 2006. Animal canines as possible symbol of rank in Early Bronze Age Mokrin, in: Structural and Semiotic Investigations in Archaeology, ed. A. V. Yevglevsky. Donetsk: Donetsk University Press. pp.488-494.
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D.Borić, G.Grupe, J.Peters, Mikić, Ž. 2004. Is Mesolithic/Neolithic subsistence dichotomy real? New stable isotope evidence from the Danube Gorges, European Journal of Archaeology, Vol 7(3): 221-248.
Grupe, G., Peters, J.,Mikić, Ž.2003. The exploitation of freshwater food resources by Meso-and Neolithic populations of Central Europe, BAR International Series 1201, The Basingstoke Press, pp.177-188