Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Course Structure Diagram with ECTS Credits
No. | Status | Recom. Year of Study |
Recom. Semester |
Course Code |
Course Title | Lang. of Instruct. |
1 | optional | 2 | Winter and Summer | 3691 | English Language 2 | Serbian | 8.00 |
2 | optional | 2 | Winter and Summer | 3686 | German Language 2 | Serbian | 8.00 |
3 | optional | 2 | Winter and Summer | 3693 | Russian language 2 | Serbian | 8.00 |
4 | optional | 2 | Winter and Summer | 3688 | French Language 2 | Serbian | 8.00 |
5 | optional | 1 | Winter and Summer | 3684 | English language 1 | Serbian | 6.00 |
6 | optional | 1 | Winter and Summer | 3685 | German Language 1 | Serbian | 6.00 |
7 | optional | 1 | Winter and Summer | 3692 | Russian language 1 | Serbian | 6.00 |
8 | optional | 1 | Winter and Summer | 3687 | French Language 1 | Serbian | 6.00 |
9 | compulsory | 1 | Winter | 4684 | Physiology of the Nervous System | Serbian | 3.00 |
10 | compulsory | 1 | Winter | 3996 | Methodology of Psychological Research | Serbian | 4.00 |
11 | compulsory | 1 | Winter | 3981 | Statistics in Psychology 1 | Serbian | 6.00 |
12 | compulsory | 1 | Winter | 4178 | Historical Introduction to Psychology | Serbian | 5.00 |
13 | compulsory | 1 | Winter | 4189 | Psychology of Perception | Serbian | 6.00 |
14 | compulsory | 1 | Summer | 4683 | Biological Psychology | Serbian | 4.00 |
15 | compulsory | 1 | Summer | 3982 | Statistics in Psychology 2 | Serbian | 6.00 |
16 | compulsory | 1 | Summer | 3616 | Cognitive Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
17 | compulsory | 1 | Summer | 4187 | Motivation and Emotion | Serbian | 4.00 |
18 | compulsory | 2 | Winter | 3974 | Psychology of Individual Differences | Serbian | 6.00 |
19 | compulsory | 2 | Winter | 4644 | Psychology of learning | Serbian | 6.00 |
20 | compulsory | 2 | Winter | 3979 | Introduction to Developmental Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
21 | compulsory | 2 | Summer | 3980 | Developmental Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
22 | compulsory | 2 | Summer | 3993 | Psychology of Mental Health | Serbian | 4.00 |
23 | compulsory | 3 | Summer | 4226 | Socialization | Serbian | 6.00 |
24 | compulsory | 3 | Winter | 4483 | Introduction to Clinical Psychology | Serbian | 4.00 |
25 | compulsory | 3 | Winter | 4175 | Introduction to Psychology of Education | Serbian | 5.00 |
26 | compulsory | 3 | Winter | 4216 | General Psychopathology | Serbian | 4.00 |
27 | compulsory | 3 | Summer | 4737 | Neuropsyshology | Serbian | 5.00 |
28 | compulsory | 3 | Summer | 3976 | Psychology of Intelligence | Serbian | 4.00 |
29 | compulsory | 3 | Winter | 4630 | Social Perception and Interaction | Serbian | 6.00 |
30 | compulsory | 3 | Summer | 3967 | Fundamentals of Psychotherapy and Counseling | Serbian | 4.00 |
31 | compulsory | 3 | Summer | 4426 | Developmental Psychopathology | Serbian | 4.00 |
32 | compulsory | 2 | Summer | 3965 | Personality Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
33 | compulsory | 1 | Summer | 3634 | Introduction to Qualitative Research | Serbian | 4.00 |
34 | compulsory | 2 | Winter | 4456 | Psychometrics 1 | Serbian | 6.00 |
35 | compulsory | 2 | Summer | 4459 | Psychometrics 2 | Serbian | 6.00 |
36 | compulsory | 3 | Winter | 4590 | Fundamentals of work psychology and organization | Serbian | 5.00 |
37 | compulsory | 3 | Summer | 4676 | Career and organization | Serbian | 4.00 |
38 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4177 | Schools and Systems of Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
39 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 3615 | Experimental Methods and Techniques | Serbian | 6.00 |
40 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 4424 | Psychopathology of Children and Youth 1 | Serbian | 4.00 |
41 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 4482 | Fundamentals of Clinical Assessment | Serbian | 6.00 |
42 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 4686 | Cognitive Assessment 1 | Serbian | 3.00 |
43 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 4589 | Communication Skills | Serbian | 4.00 |
44 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 4195 | Psychology of Giftedness | Serbian | 4.00 |
45 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4678 | Psychology of Learning and Instruction | Serbian | 6.00 |
46 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 4463 | Selected Topics in Statistics and Psychometrics | Serbian | 6.00 |
47 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 3966 | Crisis Intervention | Serbian | 6.00 |
48 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4480 | Methods of Clinical Assessment | Serbian | 6.00 |
49 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4312 | Counselling skills | Serbian | 4.00 |
50 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4707 | Evaluation of Knowledge and Educational Outcomes | Serbian | 4.00 |
51 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4687 | Cognitive Assessment 2 | Serbian | 4.00 |
52 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4182 | Organizational changes and development | Serbian | 6.00 |
53 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4312 | Counselling skills | Serbian | 4.00 |
54 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4786 | The practice of clinical psychology module | Serbian | 4.00 |
55 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 4482 | Fundamentals of Clinical Assessment | Serbian | 6.00 |
56 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4681 | Academic skills | Serbian | 3.00 |
57 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4542 | Multivariate Statistics in Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
58 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 4584 | Psychology of Crisis | Serbian | 4.00 |
59 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4674 | Human factor and occupational safety | Serbian | 6.00 |
60 | optional | 1 | Summer | 4735 | Genetics | Serbian | 3.00 |
61 | optional | 3 | Summer | 4026 | Introduction to pedagogy with didactic | Serbian | 6.00 |
62 | optional | 3 | Winter | 4422 | Psychology of Religion | Serbian | 6.00 |
63 | optional | 3 | Summer | 4505 | Family Psychology | Serbian | 3.00 |
64 | optional | 3 | Summer | 3970 | Peace Psychology | Serbian | 3.00 |
65 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4482 | Fundamentals of Clinical Assessment | Serbian | 6.00 |
66 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4686 | Cognitive Assessment 1 | Serbian | 3.00 |
67 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4687 | Cognitive Assessment 2 | Serbian | 4.00 |
68 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4589 | Communication Skills | Serbian | 4.00 |
69 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4195 | Psychology of Giftedness | Serbian | 4.00 |
70 | optional | 4 | Winter | 3986 | Consumer Behaviour and Marketing | Serbian | 6.00 |
71 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 4354 | Psychotherapeutic modalities | Serbian | 6.00 |
72 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4354 | Psychotherapeutic modalities | Serbian | 6.00 |
73 | optional | 4 | Winter | 3989 | Personnel Selection and Assessment | Serbian | 6.00 |
74 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4583 | Stress at Work | Serbian | 6.00 |
75 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4480 | Methods of Clinical Assessment | Serbian | 6.00 |
76 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4312 | Counselling skills | Serbian | 4.00 |
77 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4707 | Evaluation of Knowledge and Educational Outcomes | Serbian | 4.00 |
78 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4182 | Organizational changes and development | Serbian | 6.00 |
79 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4184 | Psychology of interpersonal relations at work | Serbian | 6.00 |
80 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4589 | Communication Skills | Serbian | 4.00 |
81 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4463 | Selected Topics in Statistics and Psychometrics | Serbian | 6.00 |
82 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4026 | Introduction to pedagogy with didactic | Serbian | 6.00 |
83 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4463 | Selected Topics in Statistics and Psychometrics | Serbian | 6.00 |
84 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4505 | Family Psychology | Serbian | 3.00 |
85 | optional | 4 | Summer | 3970 | Peace Psychology | Serbian | 3.00 |
86 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4026 | Introduction to pedagogy with didactic | Serbian | 6.00 |
87 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4542 | Multivariate Statistics in Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
88 | optional | 4 | Winter | 3615 | Experimental Methods and Techniques | Serbian | 6.00 |
89 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4589 | Communication Skills | Serbian | 4.00 |
90 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4463 | Selected Topics in Statistics and Psychometrics | Serbian | 6.00 |
91 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4312 | Counselling skills | Serbian | 4.00 |
92 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4707 | Evaluation of Knowledge and Educational Outcomes | Serbian | 4.00 |
93 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4542 | Multivariate Statistics in Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
94 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4423 | Psychopathology of Group Processes | Serbian | 6.00 |
95 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4423 | Psychopathology of Group Processes | Serbian | 6.00 |
96 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4749 | Psychology of adolescence: basic course | Serbian | 6.00 |
97 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4749 | Psychology of adolescence: basic course | Serbian | 6.00 |
98 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4633 | Applied Social Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
99 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4674 | Human factor and occupational safety | Serbian | 6.00 |
100 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4733 | Research in developmental psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
101 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4688 | Qualitative Research in Clinical Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
102 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4688 | Qualitative Research in Clinical Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
103 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4678 | Psychology of Learning and Instruction | Serbian | 6.00 |
104 | optional | 4 | Summer | 3969 | Mediation | Serbian | 6.00 |
105 | optional | 4 | Summer | 3969 | Mediation | Serbian | 6.00 |
106 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4637 | Psychology of Adulthood and Aging | Serbian | 6.00 |
107 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4682 | Psycholinguistics | Serbian | 6.00 |
108 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4026 | Introduction to pedagogy with didactic | Serbian | 6.00 |
109 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4633 | Applied Social Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
110 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4637 | Psychology of Adulthood and Aging | Serbian | 6.00 |
111 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4633 | Applied Social Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
112 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4423 | Psychopathology of Group Processes | Serbian | 6.00 |
113 | optional | 4 | Winter | 3650 | Systems and Programs of Early Childhood Education | Serbian | 5.00 |
114 | optional | 4 | Summer | 3969 | Mediation | Serbian | 6.00 |
115 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4688 | Qualitative Research in Clinical Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
116 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4637 | Psychology of Adulthood and Aging | Serbian | 6.00 |
117 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4688 | Qualitative Research in Clinical Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
118 | optional | 4 | Summer | 3969 | Mediation | Serbian | 6.00 |
119 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4733 | Research in developmental psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
120 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 3986 | Consumer Behaviour and Marketing | Serbian | 6.00 |
121 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 3989 | Personnel Selection and Assessment | Serbian | 6.00 |
122 | compulsory | 4 | Winter | 4583 | Stress at Work | Serbian | 6.00 |
123 | compulsory | 4 | Summer | 4184 | Psychology of interpersonal relations at work | Serbian | 6.00 |
124 | optional | 4 | Winter | 3615 | Experimental Methods and Techniques | Serbian | 6.00 |
125 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4423 | Psychopathology of Group Processes | Serbian | 6.00 |
126 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4633 | Applied Social Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
127 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4637 | Psychology of Adulthood and Aging | Serbian | 6.00 |
128 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4026 | Introduction to pedagogy with didactic | Serbian | 6.00 |
129 | optional | 1 | Winter | 4035 | Introduction to Philosophy | Serbian | 6.00 |
130 | optional | 1 | Winter | 4042 | Introduction to Metaphysics | Serbian | 6.00 |
131 | optional | 1 | Winter | 4509 | Introduction to Philosophy of Religion | Serbian | 6.00 |
132 | optional | 1 | Summer | 4048 | Hellenistic Philosophy | Serbian | 6.00 |
133 | optional | 1 | Summer | 4553 | Introduction to Problems of Politics | Serbian | 6.00 |
134 | optional | 1 | Winter | 4084 | Introduction to Philosophy and Critical Thinking | Serbian | 7.00 |
135 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4678 | Psychology of Learning and Instruction | Serbian | 6.00 |
136 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4177 | Schools and Systems of Psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
137 | optional | 4 | Summer | 3703 | Introduction to Ethics | Serbian | 7.00 |
138 | optional | 3 | Winter | 3681 | Introduction to British Cultural Studies | Serbian | 3.00 |
139 | optional | 4 | Winter | 3680 | British Cultural Studies | Serbian | 3.00 |
140 | optional | 3 | Winter | 4260 | The Policy and System of Adult Education | Serbian | 7.00 |
141 | optional | 3 | Winter | 4006 | Andragogy of Work | Serbian | 7.00 |
142 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4269 | Functional literacy and key competences | Serbian | 5.00 |
143 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4269 | Functional literacy and key competences | Serbian | 5.00 |
144 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4269 | Functional literacy and key competences | Serbian | 5.00 |
145 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4269 | Functional literacy and key competences | Serbian | 5.00 |
146 | optional | 1 | Winter | 4447 | History of economic thought | Serbian | 6.00 |
147 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3599 | Demography of marriage, partnership and childbearing | Serbian | 6.00 |
148 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4587 | Applied research in work psychology | Serbian | 6.00 |
149 | optional | 4 | Winter | 3680 | British Cultural Studies | Serbian | 3.00 |
150 | optional | 4 | Winter | 3680 | British Cultural Studies | Serbian | 3.00 |
151 | optional | 4 | Winter | 3680 | British Cultural Studies | Serbian | 3.00 |
152 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4686 | Cognitive Assessment 1 | Serbian | 3.00 |
153 | optional | 4 | Summer | 4687 | Cognitive Assessment 2 | Serbian | 4.00 |
154 | optional | 4 | Winter | 4195 | Psychology of Giftedness | Serbian | 4.00 |
155 | optional | 1 | Summer | 4538 | Introduction to theory of society | Serbian | 4.00 |
156 | optional | 3 | Summer | 4939 | Methods and techniques in social-psychological research | Serbian | 6.00 |