
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Psychometrics 2
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 4
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Statistics in Psychology 1 and 2 and Methodology of Psychological Research. Additional requirement for attendance is attendance on the course Psychometrics 1.

Course objectives: Familiarisation with different methods of instrument validity testing and with practical applictaions of tests in professional selection.

Course description: Different aspects of validity and validity testing - regression analysis, principal components analysis, factor analysis, canonical correlational analysis, canonical discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, determining the cut-off score. Computer-supported testing. Validity issues.

Learning Outcomes: Acquired advanced concepts, information and methodological resources. The ability to critically evaluate theories, methods and contents of professional and scientific production. Capacity for scientific research, multidisciplinary collaboration, manuscript and project writing.

  • Fajgelj, S. (2003): Psihometrija, Centar za primenjenu psihologiju, Beograd Fulgosi, A. (1981) Faktorska analiza, Školska knjiga, Zagreb Momirović, K., Wolf, B., Popović D. (1999) Uvod u teoriju merenj
  • Bukvić, A. (1982): Načela izrade psiholoških testova, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd Tenjović, L. (2002): Statistika u psihologiji – priručnik, Centar za primenjenu psihologiju, Beograd