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The beginnings of the Faculty of Philosophy Libraries date back to the late 1870’s and the early 1880’s with gratitude to the group of distinguished and prominent professors of the Great School who had stayed persistent in their request to obtain certain amounts of money from the budget of the Principality of Serbia and then Ministers of Education for purchasing literature books and journals necessary for conducting their lectures. The united Library grew to become of exclusive contents and volume alongside with the expansion of the Great School curriculum what caused that upon the establishment of the University in 1905, the specialized literature becomes divided among the departments and seminars, and individual department libraries were initiated. The book collections were seriously damaged during the First as well as the Second World War but were replaced successfully. After the World War I, many precious books, now rare and valuable, arrived at the library by way of the war-time reparations. Today, the majority of libraries have preserved the same organizational form established in that period.

At present, the Faculty of Philosophy includes nine departmental and two sub-departmental libraries.


The book collections of the Faculty of Philosophy Libraries amount to approximately 280,000 monographs, 2,000 periodicals and 112,000 bound volumes. The libraries’ collections have been enriched not only by purchasing specialized literature but also by institutional and individual gifts later distributed within separate legacies.


Each library of the Faculty of Philosophy has an authors’ catalogue. In addition to classic catalogues, the libraries have introduced a computerized cataloguing system in 2003. Operating through the COBISS.SR program system, libraries have become a constituent part of the Virtual Libraries of Serbia while using the COBIB.SR (COBISS/OPAC) Lending Libraries Data Base as well.


Departmental Libraries

Ethnology and Anthropology
   Ancient History Seminar Library
   History of Byzantology Seminar Library
History of Art
Classical Languages
