Academic Authorities


The Dean is the main representative and executive body of the Faculty of Philosophy. Deans are elected and appointed by the Academic Council for the period of three years. Some of the main responsibilities of the Dean include:

  • Organizing, managing and representing the Faculty of Philosophy
  • Performing the legality of the authority
  • Improving educational training of personnel for achieving better results
  • Making decisions on annual budget of the Faculty of Philosophy, financial planning and curriculum planning.

The Dean appoints three Vice-Deans elected by the Academic Council for the period of three years responsible for different organizational, technical and financial activities.

The Student Parliament appoints the Dean of Students that is elected by the Academic Council as well for the period of one year. The Dean of Students’ main responsibility is to maintain relationship between the Student Parliament and the Faculty of Philosophy and University administrative units. The Student Parliament consists of twenty three members elected from the Department of History (three members), the Department of Psychology (three members), the Department of Philosophy (two members), the Department of Sociology (two members), the Department of Pedagogy (two members), the Department of Andragogy (two members), the Department of History of Art (two members), the Department of Archaeology (two members), the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology (two members), the Department of Classics (two members), and the Department of Interdisciplinary Anthropology (one member) for the period of one year.

The Academic Council is the superior supervisory body of the Faculty of Philosophy that consists of twenty three members, and it is elected from the members of the Academic Staff (fifteen members), the Founders’ Club (four members), and Student Parliament (four members) for the period of three years. The main responsibilities of the Academic Council include:

  • Establishment of the Statute of the Faculty of Philosophy
  • Appointment of the Dean, Vice-Deans and Dean of Students
  • Financial, investment and tuition planning
  • Curriculum planning.

The Academic Senate is the supreme governing and administrative body of the Faculty of Philosophy responsible for all technical, organizational and financial activities. The Academic Senate consists of the entire teaching personnel of the Faculty of Philosophy. The Dean and Vice-Deans are all members of the Academic Senate, while the Dean is also the President of the Academic Senate.

Professor Danijel Sinani
Phone: +381 11 2639-119

Vice Dean for Finance
Professor Perica Špehar
Phone: +381 11 2639-119

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
Professor Stefan Mićić
Phone: +381 11 2639-119

Vice Dean for Research
Professor MIlan Stančić
Phone: +381 11 2639-119

Secretary of the Faculty of Philosophy
Valentina Lepojević Kolarić
Phone: +381 11 3206-133; 381 11 2639-315
