Main University Regulations
The University of Belgrade comprises 31 faculties (organized into 4 groups: social sciences and humanities, medical sciences, natural sciences and mathematics, and technological sciences), 11 research institutes, University Library and 6 university centers.
Besides its integrative function, the University of Belgrade has a certain number of legally defined responsibilities, whose aims are primarily criteria standardization and quality assurance.
The University organises and carries out studies during the academic year which, as a rule, begins on October 1 and lasts for 12 months. An academic year has 42 working weeks, of which 30 for teaching and 12 for consultations, exam preparation and exams. There are autumn and spring semesters, each having 15 weeks for teaching and 6 for consultations, exam preparation and exams. Teaching is organised and performed in semesters, in accordance with the teaching plan.
Each subject in the study programme has its number of ECTS points, and the volume of studies is reflected in overall ECTS points. The total of 60 ECTS points corresponds to average student’s work in a 40 working hour week in one academic year.
Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Documents
Recognition of foreign higher education document is a procedure which grants the document holder the right to continue education or find employment.
Recognition for the purpose of further education
The procedure of recognition for the purpose of further education entails the evaluation of a foreign study programme or its part and establishes the candidate’s right to continue the enrolled course or enrol a certain study programme.
The recognition of a foreign higher education document for the purpose of further education is carried out by the University, in accordance with the Book of Rules. Candidates submit the request for recognition of foreign higher education document to the Archive of the University of Belgrade (Studentski trg 1, Belgrade, Room No.1)
Recognition for employment purposes
The procedure of recognition of foreign higher education document for employment purposes entails establishing the type and level of studies, as well as professional, academic or scientific title.
The recognition of a foreign higher education document for employment purposes is carried out by the University, in accordance with the Book of Rules.
Candidates submit the request for recognition of foreign higher education document to their respective Faculties. For all further questions, please visit: