History of Art
The Chair for History of Art was founded in 1905. In 1927, it was promoted into a History of Art Study Group, while following The Decree from 1963 once a study group then became the Department of History of Art.
The History of Art Department consists of following seminars: Introductory History of Art Seminar, Seminar on Museums and Heritage, History of Architecture Seminar, Medieval Arts Seminar, New Age Visual Arts Seminar, and Contemporary Arts Seminar.
The Department, within its diverse set of courses, is teaching and dealing with issues from the ancient past and all the way up to present-day, which allows higher education on all levels – graduate, master and doctoral, along with lectures, laboratory work, seminars, mentoring, field work, research work, consultations, presentations, and projects.
Today, the Department of History of Art enrolls around 500 students while the teaching staff employs 18 professors.