
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 6
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Prerequisites for taking this course is passing courses Psychology of individual differences and Psychology of learning

Course objectives: Socialization is a fundamental scientific discipline that enables easier understanding and interpretation of psychological and sociological materials. Its goal is to prepare for more specific courses in applied psychology.

Course description: 1. Socialization processes. Social learning: definition and types. 2.Means and sources of socialization. Culture and society. Family, school, peer group, media. Socialization in adulthood. 3. Socialization outcomes: a. Socialization of basic psychological functions, b. Socialization and motivation: the concept of motivation, types of motives. Social motives. c. Attitudes and values: concepts, structure, change, functions, resistance to change. Stereotypes and prejudice.

Learning Outcomes: Understanding of the basic concepts, critical reading of the literature, development of methodological skills (planning, designing and implementing questionnaires and attitude scales), application of knowledge in other areas of academic and applied psychology.

  • Rot, N. (2005). Osnovi socijalne psihologije. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva
  • Havelka, N, Kuzmanović, B. Popadić, D. "Metode i tehnike socijalnopsiholoških istraživanja" , Centar za primenjenu psihologiju, Beograd, 1998
  • Golubović, Z.T., Kuzmanović, B.R. & Vasović, M.D. (1995). Društveni karakter i društvene promene u svetlu nacionalnih sukoba. Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu
  • Petrović, N. (2001). "Putevi istraživanja autoritarnosti". Beograd: Zadužbina Andrejević
  • Pennington, D. (2001). Osnove socijalne psihologije. Zagreb: Naklada Slap
  • Dovidio,J. F. & P. Glick, & L. A. Rudman (Eds.). On the nature of prejudice: 50 years after Allport . Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Hewstone, M., Stroebe, W. (2003). Uvod u socijalnu psihologiju. Europske perspektive. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.
  • Popadić Dragan (ur.), Psihološka istraživanja (br. 7,). Beograd: Filozofski fakultet - Institut za psihologiju
  • Rot, N. and Havelka N. (1973), Nacionalna vezanost i vrednosti kod srednjoskolske omladine. Institut za psihologiju, Beograd
  • Bora Kuzmanović i Nebojša Petrović: „Struktura preferencija ličnih i društvenih ciljeva srednjoškolaca“. Psihologija, 2007, vol. 40, br. 4, str. 567-585
  • Aronson, E., Wilson, T.D., Akert, R. (2012). Socijalna psihologija, Mate, Beograd