Psychology – Doctoral Degree 2009
Course Structure Diagram with ECTS Credits
No. | Status | Recom. Year of Study |
Recom. Semester |
Course Code |
Course Title | Lang. of Instruct. |
1 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3303 | The man - techniques interaction : an ergonomic approach | Serbian | 10.00 |
2 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3156 | Interpretative approach to psychopathology | Serbian | 10.00 |
3 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3344 | Cognition 1 | Serbian | 10.00 |
4 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3127 | Cognition 2 | Serbian | 10.00 |
5 | optional | 1 | Winter | 2281 | Culture and human development | Serbian | 10.00 |
6 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3226 | Qualitative Research | Serbian | 10.00 |
7 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3157 | Modalities of interpretive psychotherapy | Serbian | 10.00 |
8 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3307 | Moral development | Serbian | 10.00 |
9 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3236 | New approaches in understanding work and organizational psychology | Serbian | 10.00 |
10 | optional | 1 | Winter | 2878 | Perception 1 | Serbian | 10.00 |
11 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3282 | Perspectives in psychology of education | Serbian | 10.00 |
12 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3259 | Family dysfunction and family therapy | Serbian | 10.00 |
13 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3352 | Gifted Psychology | Serbian | 10.00 |
14 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3309 | Psychology of reconciliation and peacebuilding | Serbian | 10.00 |
15 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3308 | Political Psychology | Serbian | 10.00 |
16 | optional | 1 | Summer | 2738 | Social interaction | Serbian | 10.00 |
17 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3193 | Consumer Psychology | Serbian | 10.00 |
18 | optional | 1 | Summer | 2761 | Psychodynamic approach to psychopathology | Serbian | 10.00 |
19 | optional | 1 | Winter | 2859 | Experimental Aesthetics | Serbian | 10.00 |
20 | optional | 1 | Winter | 2734 | Individual differences | Serbian | 10.00 |
21 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3353 | Development of psychology | Serbian | 10.00 |
22 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3355 | The man and the physical environment | Serbian | 10.00 |
23 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3356 | Statistical analysis of multivariate data in psychology | Serbian | 10.00 |
24 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3439 | Quality Assurance of Teaching/Learning | Serbian | 10.00 |
25 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3303 | The man - techniques interaction : an ergonomic approach | Serbian | 10.00 |
26 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3156 | Interpretative approach to psychopathology | Serbian | 10.00 |
27 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3344 | Cognition 1 | Serbian | 10.00 |
28 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3127 | Cognition 2 | Serbian | 10.00 |
29 | optional | 1 | Summer | 2281 | Culture and human development | Serbian | 10.00 |
30 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3157 | Modalities of interpretive psychotherapy | Serbian | 10.00 |
31 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3307 | Moral development | Serbian | 10.00 |
32 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3236 | New approaches in understanding work and organizational psychology | Serbian | 10.00 |
33 | optional | 1 | Winter | 2878 | Perception 1 | Serbian | 10.00 |
34 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3282 | Perspectives in psychology of education | Serbian | 10.00 |
35 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3259 | Family dysfunction and family therapy | Serbian | 10.00 |
36 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3309 | Psychology of reconciliation and peacebuilding | Serbian | 10.00 |
37 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3308 | Political Psychology | Serbian | 10.00 |
38 | optional | 1 | Summer | 2738 | Social interaction | Serbian | 10.00 |
39 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3193 | Consumer Psychology | Serbian | 10.00 |
40 | optional | 1 | Winter | 2859 | Experimental Aesthetics | Serbian | 10.00 |
41 | optional | 1 | Winter | 2734 | Individual differences | Serbian | 10.00 |
42 | optional | 1 | Winter | 3356 | Statistical analysis of multivariate data in psychology | Serbian | 10.00 |
43 | optional | 1 | Summer | 3439 | Quality Assurance of Teaching/Learning | Serbian | 10.00 |
44 | optional | 1 | Winter | 4896 | Socio-emotional development: higher course | Serbian | 10.00 |
45 | optional | 1 | Summer | 2273 | Cognitive development | Serbian | 10.00 |
46 | optional | 1 | Winter | 2273 | Cognitive development | Serbian | 6.00 |
47 | optional | 2 | Winter | 4896 | Socio-emotional development: higher course | Serbian | 10.00 |