
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
The practice of clinical psychology module
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: Passed exams: General Psychopathology (general and special part), Fundamentals of Clinical Assessment.

Course objectives: The objective of the practice is to familiarize students with the roles and tasks of clinical psychologists in the institutions in which clinical psychologists work and to acquire basic skills related to administration, interpretation and integration of data obtained by psychological testing.

Course description: The practice is carried out in institutions in which clinical psychologists are employed. It consists of internship (80 hours) and a case study (40 hours). During the internship, students are becoming familiar with the type and organizational scheme of the institution, position and role of psychologists, basic principles and conditions necessary for establishing contact with patients/clients. Internships includes observational learning, observation of psychological testing and assessment in clinical context (with special emphasis on the introductory interview, personality inventory, individual intelligence test and sentence completion test), as well as supervised administration, scoring and interpretation of the techniques. Case study includes independent administration, scoring and interpretation of results obtained by applying the assessment techniques to a case of a specific person with psychological disorder/difficulty.

Learning Outcomes: Students will master the basic skills in establishing contact with the patients/clients as well as skills of administration, scoring, interpretation and integration of data obtained by psychological testing.
