
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Motivation and Emotion
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: No prerequisites. Acquired knowledge of the following subjects are useful: Physiology of Nervous System, Perception and Methodology of Psychological Research.

Course objectives: 1. Acquiring knowledge about motivation, emotion, sleep, dreaming and integrative processes. 2. Understanding the theoretical approaches to motivation, emotion, sleep, dreaming and integrative processes.

Course description: a. Motivation (physiological, biological and psychological motives; theories). b. Emotion (physiological basis of emotion; theories). Sleep and dreaming (physiology of sleep, dream content. theories). Integrative processes (integration between emotional and motivational domain, architecture of personality).

Learning Outcomes: Mastering the basic knowledge about motivational and emotional domain of personality

  • Predrag Ognjenović i Bojana Škorc (2205): “Naše namere i osećanja: Uvod u psihologiju motivacije i emocija”. Zemun: Gutembergova galaksija.