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Општа обавезна литература
Vucinic, V. 1993. Ideology and Pragmatism in China’s Urban Land Reform during the 1980s. In Urban Anthropology in China. Greg Guldin and Aidan Southall (eds) 216-243. E. J. Brill, Leiden and New York.
Kang, Xiaofei. 2009. Two Temples, Three Religions, and a Tourist Attraction: Contesting Sacred Space on China’s Ethnic Frontier. Modern China 35.3: 227-255.
McFadden, Danny. 2016. One Belt One Road: The New Silk Road. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/307861824_One_Belt_One_Road-_The_New_Silk_Road
Нешковић, Марта. 2017. Однос државе и будистичке заједнице у савременој Кини. Eтноантрополошки проблеми 12.3: 905-933.
Sofield, Trevor and Fung Mei Sarah Li. 1998. Tourism Development and Cultural Policies in China. Annals of Tourism Research 25.2: 362-292.
Huang, Philip, C. C. 2011. The Modern Chinese Family: In Light of Economic and Legal History. Modern China 37.5: 459-497.
Hung, Wu. 1991. Tiananmen Square: A Political History of Monuments. Representations 35. Special Issue: Monumental Histories: 84-117.
Cheng, Hau Ling ‘Helen’. 2005. ‘Naked’ Bodies: Experimenting with Intimate Relations among Migrant Workers in South China. International Journal of Cultural Studies 8.3: 307-328.
Walton, Linda. 2018. The “Spirit” of Confucian Education in Contemporary China: Songyang Academy and Zhengzhou University. Modern China 44.3: 313-342.
Zhou, Weilin. China’s Urbanisation: A Study of Its Evolution. China Report 40.4.
Zhan, Shaohua. What Determines Migrant Workers’ Life Chances in Contemporary China? Hukou, Social Exclusion, and the Market. Modern China 37.3: 243-285.
Општа допунска литература
Митровић, Драгана. 2008. Кинеско економско чудо: прва декада реформи. Институт за политичке студије, Београд.
Вучинић-Нешковић, Весна. 2009. Нека опажања о културним опречностима у савременој Кини: Кунминг и Пекинг двадесет година касније. Етноантрополошки проблеми 3.4: 162-195.
Vučinić-Nešković, V. 2010. Organization of Time in the Chinese Countryside: Labor, Rhythms and Gender in the Later Maoist Period (1958-1978). Etnoantropološki problemi 2.5: 205-236.