Psychology - LIRA
Laboratory for Research of Individual Differences (LIRA) was established in 2016 as a scientific unit of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. LIRA gathers a large number of researchers, associates and students from the country and abroad in order to study psychological phenomena in the field of individual differences using modern research techniques and methods of data collection.
LIRA members are gathered around projects dedicated to the implementation of both fundamental and applied researches in the field of individual differences that can be summarized in several broad research lines, such as: research of the basic personality structure and the re-conceptualization of the model of the basic personality structure, the research of relations between personality and relevant social phenomena, as well as research on individual differences in cognitive processes and cognitive functioning. Members of LIRA are engaged in research on the "dark side" of the personality, i.e. dispositions for amoral,violent, and criminal behavior, as well as interdisciplinary, and especially biologically oriented studies and projects such as, for example, Project of the study of thepsychobiology of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition, LIRA members are dedicated to the development and application of new methods for testing and measuring phenomena they investigate, as well as summarizing existing empirical knowledge through the implementation of a number of meta-analytical studies. Finally, members of LIRA are very dedicated to the practice of "Open Science" - a transparent, replicable, and publicly accessible process of data collection, analysis, and publishing.
LIRA conducts its activities in cooperation with a large number of international and domestic institutions and organizations, with the focus on the exchange and dissemination of knowledge, as well as across-cultural examination of relevant phenomena.
In addition to the research activities, LIRA is oriented towards the education and improvement of the expertise of its members and associates through the organization of numerous seminars and training in cooperation with experts from the country and abroad. As LIRA brings together a number of student associates, it serves as a place for demonstration and practical teaching within several courses in undergraduate, master and doctoral studies of psychology.
PhD Goran Knežević, Professor
PhD Goran Opačić, Associate Professor
PhD Lazar Tenjović, Assistant Professor
PhD Aleksandar Zorić, Assistant Professor
PhD Danka Purić, Assistant Professor
PhD Ljiljana Lazarević, Research Associate