Laboratory for Experimental Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade was founded in 1974. During four and a half decades several main lines of research had been developed, including complex cognition, psycholinguistics, perception, experimental aesthetics and psychology of art. Research in these areas had been published in over 400 papers in domestic and foreign journals and presented over 1000 times at domestic and international conferences.
In addition to research, Laboratory for Experimental Psychology is a place where young researchers make their first steps in experimental psychology, run their first experiments, publish research in co-authorship with their mentors and present it at conferences. In more than four decades about 160 young researchers were members of the Laboratory. Today some of them are professors at universities or researchers at scientific centers in Serbia and abroad. In Laboratory for Experimental Psychology. The laboratory has been continuously training young scientists for five decades, and since 2015, this activity has been crowned by the organization of an annual conference called LEPing: meetings of young researchers in the field of experimental psychology. In addition to the regular training of the youngest collaborators, as well as the preparation of master's and doctoral dissertations, the Laboratory also organizes research practice for fourth-year undergraduate and first-year master's students in psychology.
Today, the Laboratory is a place of vivid scientific exchange, continuous scientific research, training facility for the new researchers and one of the well-established regional centers for experimental psychology.The Laboratory is also a venue for the activities not directly connected to the advancement of science. Since the early nineties, we have organized a weekly seminar, an invited talk series that offers an opportunity to learn about the latest research, not only for our members but also for members of the Psychology Department and other scientific institutions of our University. Likewise, many distinguished local and international scientists have been our guest-presenters. The Laboratory is also co-organizer of the annual scientific meeting Empirical Research in Psychology. Furthermore we organize international conferences, such as the European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) in 2014 and the First International Quantitative Morphology Meeting (IQMM) in 2015. Our Laboratory is also permanent host to one of the world’s most significant collections of old psychological instruments. All this makes the Laboratory for Experimental Psychology a specific and unique institution in many respects.http://lep.rs/RESEARCH ASSOCIATES
Dr Slobodan Marković, Full Professor
Dr Dušica Filipović Đurđević, Associate Professor
Dr Oliver Tošković, Associate Professor
Dr Kaja Damnjanović, Assistant Professor
Dr Dragan Janković, Assistant Professor
Predrag Nedimović, MA, Teaching Assistant
Ksenija Mišić, MA, Research Assistant
Sandra Ilić,MA, Junior Research Assistant