
Позив на предавање "Origin and spread of early European farmers"

Одељење за археологију, Лабораторија за биоархеологију има част да вас позове на предавање "Origin and spread of early European farmers". Предавање ће одржати професор Лаурент Ексофиер (https://www.cmpg.iee.unibe.ch/about_us/team/researchers/prof_dr_excoffier_laurent/index_eng.html), руководилац Одељења за популациону генетику Универзитета у Берну.

Предавање ће бити одржано у петак, 4. октобра 2024. године, са почетком у 16 часова у свечаној сали Драгослав Срејовић.

Сажетак предавања:

The spread of the Neolithic in Europe is well documented from the archeological point of view, but the genetic origin(s) of the early farmers is still unclear, like the genetic changes that occurred during this cultural transition. In order to better understand these complex processes, we have sequenced and collected high coverage genomes of dozens of individuals ranging from the Middle east to the British Isles, mostly along the Danubian corridor of the Neolithic expansion. Demographic modeling of the early farmers confirms that they had a mixed origin post-dating the Last Glacial maximum, and find complex interactions between ancestors of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers from central, western and eastern Europe. The change of genetic diversity of early farmers along the expansion transect also suggests complex interactions with local hunter gatherers and potentially long range interactions between farming communities, which need to be better characterized.
