
Psychology – Master’s Degree 2009
Family therapy
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: General psychopathology. Family psychology. Fundamentals of psychotherapy and counseling. Theory and practice of psychotherapy and counseling. Psychological counseling skills.

Course objectives: Understanding the psychological problems of individuals from a relational perspective. Acquisition of basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the organization, implementation and evaluation of family therapy that offers an integrative approach for a new generation of therapists.

Course description: In The first - theoretical part of the course students gain insight into: origin, formation and development of family therapy, different approaches to family therapy and generations of family therapists, basic settings of an integrated approach, and the research process and the effects of family therapy. The second part involves the use of family therapy practice and includes: organization of treatment, referral and admission, initial interview, establishing of a therapeutic relationship in family experiences, initiating and strengthening of the relational changes and evaluation of therapy, with the lessons from practice and orientation of the students for their future professional work.

Learning Outcomes: Understanding of family relationships and processes, development of skills of implementation and presentation of family therapy per protocol. Creation of own line of professional development in the psychotherapeutic practice of family therapy in different contexts.

  • 1. Asen,E., Tomson,P. (2001). Porodična rešenja u praksi ( prevod J. Srna), Beograd , Unicef, odabrana poglavlja
  • 2. Bevcar D.S., Bevcar R.J (1996). Family Therapy –A Systemic Integration, 3.rd edition, str 1-13, odabrana poglavlja
  • 3. Hanna S.M., Brown J.H. (2004). The Practice of Family Therapy- Key Elements Across Models, Canada, 3rd edition, Thomson i Brooks/ Cole