
Sociology – Doctoral Degree 2014
Social Psychiatry (doctoral studies)
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: Conditions: familiarity with the basics of social anthropology, sociology of the family, social psychology, sociology of mental disorders.

Course objectives: The goal of this course is to introduce doctoral students to the context of psychiatrical problems in contemporary societies grounded in social factors and explore major socio-psychiatrical problems together with a number of theories in sociology of mental disorders.

Course description: Theoretical components include: exploration of the relationship between psychiatry and sociology; theories of genealogy of mental disorders; attitudes towards the persons with mental disorder; social roles, etc. 2) Looking at anti-psychiatry and reforms in psychiatry, the "normal" and the pathological 3) thinking the political, the issue of forced hospitalization as well as other forms of social control.

Learning Outcomes: Completing the course, students will be familiar with theoretical and methodological aspects of major issues in contemporary psychiatry, starting from the very definition of mental disorders, the psychiatric institution and the profession and practice of psychiatry as such.

Sociology – Doctoral Degree 2014
Social Psychiatry (doctoral studies)
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: Conditions: familiarity with the basics of social anthropology, sociology of the family, social psychology, sociology of mental disorders.

Course objectives: The goal of this course is to introduce doctoral students to the context of psychiatrical problems in contemporary societies grounded in social factors and explore major socio-psychiatrical problems together with a number of theories in sociology of mental disorders.

Course description: Theoretical components include: exploration of the relationship between psychiatry and sociology; theories of genealogy of mental disorders; attitudes towards the persons with mental disorder; social roles, etc. 2) Looking at anti-psychiatry and reforms in psychiatry, the "normal" and the pathological 3) thinking the political, the issue of forced hospitalization as well as other forms of social control.

Learning Outcomes: Completing the course, students will be familiar with theoretical and methodological aspects of major issues in contemporary psychiatry, starting from the very definition of mental disorders, the psychiatric institution and the profession and practice of psychiatry as such.

  • Opalić P. (2008): Psihijatrijska sociologija, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd
  • Eaton W. (2001): The Sociology og Mental Dissorders, Praeger, Wespot
  • Gallager B. (2002): The Sociology of Mental Illness, Prentice Hall, New Jersey
  • Kecmanović D. (1975): Socijalna psihijatrija sa psihijatrijskom sociologijom, Svijetlost, Sarajevo
  • Zbornik (1998): Zablude u psihijatriji, Institut za mentalno zdravlje, Beograd