History – Master’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Research Methods: Ancient History
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: No specific requirements
Course objectives: Mastering the methods of historical research in the field of Ancient History.
Course description: With the help of contemporary historical studies, students will be introduced to the basic research methods in Ancient History.
Learning Outcomes: Mastered basic research methods for Ancient History.
- Th. Mommsen, Römische Forschungen I-II, Hildesheim 1962.
- E. Hornung,Einführung in die Ägyptologie. Stand, Methoden, Aufgaben. Darmstadt 1967.
- L. Robert, Opera Minora Selecta I-V, Amsterdam 1969-1989.
- F. Papazoglu, Iz istorije antičkog Balkana, Beograd 2007.
- F. Papazoglu, Srednjobalkanska plemena u predrimsko doba, Beograd 2007.
- R. Syme, Roman Papers I, Oxford 1979.
- E. Meyer, Forschungen zur alten Geschichte I, Hildesheim 1966.