
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Yugoslavia during WWII: conflict of nations, religion and ideology
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Completed undergraduate studies in history or masters degree in history, regular class attendance and fulfillment of academic obligations.

Course objectives: Systematically shaping knowledge on the problems addressed in the course, critiquing and evaluating research problems through a methodological approach, expressing ones own scientific opinion.

Course description: The theoretical component is comprised of analyzing the origin and root of national, religious and ideological divisions, their culminating into conditions of occupation, the defeat of the civilian concept on which the Yugoslavian state existed up until then, the shaping of a new, victorious revolutionary model and the necessitated forgetting of those tragically lost for the gain of national peace. The practical component encompasses professional discourse on historical sources, their value and validity, the span of current literature on Yugoslavia during the Second World War, especially its revisionist tendencies in shaping new methodological solutions. The results of study should be evident in the quality of the students own historical work.

Learning Outcomes: Throughout the course doctoral candidates will investigate their own ideas, be capable of leading cultural, professional discourse, analyze historical sources and texts, identify issues and research them.

  • Priručnici - B. Petranović, Istorija Jugoslavije 1918–1988, II, Beograd 1988. - B. Petranović, Srbija u Drugom svetskom ratu 1939–1945, Beograd 1992.