
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Relations between Serbia and Dubrovnik in the Middle Ages (basic)
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: The corresponding year of studies, ie semester, regular attendance, active participation in the work on the sources and fulfillment of the planned pre-registration obligations.

Course objectives: Fundamental consideration of relations between Serbia and Dubrovnik in the Middle Ages, the nature and essence of interconnections and their historical development. Extension of existing knowledge through active work with selected sources in Serbian and Latin.

Course description: Theoretical teaching: Through lectures, students are introduced to history, direction and development, the scope and nature of relations between Serbia and Dubrovnik in the Middle Ages. Practical teaching: Reading and analyzing the critical approach of selected sources in Serbian and Latin, mastering and deepening the methodology of work at sources and acquiring practical knowledge on what types of data can be expected from diplomatic material and various archival series (Reformationes, Diversa Cancellariae, Diversa Notariae , Debita Notariae, Testament etc.), and how they can be used to look at certain segments of relations between Serbia and Dubrovnik.

Learning Outcomes: Comprehensive knowledge of the history of relations between Serbia and Dubrovnik in the Middle Ages, the directions and flows of their development, the scope and nature of interconnections, and the learning the most important sources for this topic.

  • K. Jireček, Istorija Srba I-II, Beograd 1952 (ili neko od kasnijih izdanja).
  • Istorija srpskog naroda I-II, Beograd 1981-1982 (ili neko od kasnijih izdanja).
  • K. Jireček, Važnost Dubrovnika u trgovačkoj povijesti srednjega vijeka, Dubrovnik 1915.
  • J. Lučić, Povijest Dubrovnika, Zagreb 1973.
  • M. Kos, Dubrovačko-srpski ugovori do sredine HIII veka, Glas SKA 122 (1927) 1–65.
  • M. Dinić, Dubrovačka srednjevekovna karavanska trgovina, JIČ 3 (1937) 119–146 (=Iz srpske istorije srednjega veka, Beograd 2003, 687–710).
  • M. Dinić, Dubrovački tributi. Mogoriš, Svetodmitarski i Konavaoski dohodak i Provižiun braće Vladkovića, Glas SKA 168 (1935) 205–256 (= isti, Iz srpske istorije srednjega veka, Beograd 2003, 711-755).
  • K. Jireček, Dohodak stonski, koji su Dubrovčani davali srpskom manastiru sv. Arhangjela Mihajla u Jerusalimu..., Zbornik Vatroslava Jagića, Berlin 1908, 527–542.
  • I. Manken, Dubrovački patricijat u HIV veku I–II, Beograd 1960.
  • M. Medini, Dubrovnik Gučetića, Beograd 1953.
  • D. Dinić-Knežević, Tkanine u privredi srednjovekovnog Dubrovnika, Beograd 1982.
  • N. Fejić, Jedan pogled na ratove Dubrovnika, IČ 56 (2008) 117–151.
  • B. Krekić, Dubrovnik, Italy, and the Balkans in the Late Middle Ages, London 1980.
  • J. Tadić, Promet putnika u starom Dubrovniku, Dubrovnik 1939.
  • J. Tadić, Istorija Dubrovnika do polovine XV veka, IČ 18 (1971) 13-44.