
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Hisotrical Models of Museality (Bachelor's Degree)
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 3.00
Pre-requisites: This subject course is available to all the students of the University of Philosophy in Belgrade not depending on the major of studies.

Course objectives: The goal of the course is to introduce historical models of museality as fundamental knowledge for a more extensive understanding of materialistic culture and civilization through the interdisciplinary approach museology and museography.

Course description: The content of the course is based on presenting the crucial moments that have determined the developmental path of history of collections and museums, from treasury wealth all the way to virtual museums. This approach also includes the presentation of some basic methodological approaches regarding the history of collecting: epistemological, psychoanalytical, semiological and narrative. The content of the course is deliberated as a variety of specific models and every year demonstrated through variety of topics, such as: 1. The cabinets of rare object from XV to XVII century, 2. The heritage of antics in collections from XVI to XX century, 3. The ideas of enlightenment and collecting in XVIII century, 4. The royal collections and origins of worlds’ greatest museums, 5. Public and private collections in XIX century, 6. Museums and collecting in XX and XXI century, 7. Based on lectures, the students will be required to identify, analyze, examine and creatively interpret the examples and patterns of crucial significance for historical models.

Learning Outcomes: The course is designed as capable of distinguishing historical models of museality and facilitating the appliance of acquired knowledge for researching the history and records of collecting.

  • Paula Findlen, The Museum: Its Classical Etymology and Renaissance Genealogy, u Grasping The World, The Idea of the Museum, ed. by D.Preziosi, C.Farago, Ashgate. London, 2003. str. 159-191.
  • Mike Bal, Telling Objects: A Narrative Perspective of Collecting, u: Grasping The World, The Idea of the Museum, ed. by D.Preziosi, C.Farago, Ashgate. London, 2003. str.84-103.
  • D.Preziosi, The Other: Atr History and/as Museology, u: The Art of Art History: Acritical Anthology, edited by D.Preziosi. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998. str. 451-455; 507-528.
  • M. Certeau de, Psychoanalysis and its History, u: Grasping The World, The Idea of the Museum, ed. by D.Preziosi, C.Farago, Ashgate. London, 2003. str. 35-51.
  • Art History as Cultural History, Warburg’s Projects, edited by R.Woodfield, G+B Arts, Amsterdam, 2001.
  • Mišel Fuko, Riječi i stvari, Arheologija humanističkih nauka, Nolit, Beograd, 1971.
  • J.V.Gete, Putovanje po Italiji, Prosveta, Beograd, 1962.
  • T. DaCosta Kaufmann, Remarks on the Collection og RudolfII: The Kunstkammer as a Form of Representatio, u: Grasping The World, The Idea of the Museum, ed. by D.Preziosi, C.Farago, Ashgate. London, 200
  • Grasping The World, The Idea of the Museum, ed. by D.Preziosi, C.Farago, Ashgate. London, 2003.
  • Verena Han, Razvoj zbirki i muzeja od XIII do XIX vijeka, Poseban otisak iz Tkalčićevog zbornika 11, Zagreb 1958. str. 297-313.
  • Donald Preciozi, Zbirke-muzeji, u: Kritički termini istorije umetnosti, priredili R.S.Nelson i R.Šif, Svetovi, Novi Sad, str 486-499.
  • Franses A. Jejts, Veština pamćenja, Mediterran publishing, Novi Sad 2012.
  • Mišel Fuko, "Druga mesta", Mišel Fuko: 1926-1984: hrestomatija, Novi Sad 2005, 29-36.
  • Nenad Radić, "Muzej na ruševinama Jugoslavije". U: KULIĆ, Branka (ur.), MERENIK, Lidija (ur.). Zbornik Seminara za studije moderne umetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu. 5, 2009, 59-68.
  • J.Siegel, Desire and Excess, The Nineteenth-century Culture of Art, Princeton University Press,Princeton and Oxford, 2000.
  • Eilean Hooper-Greenhill, Museums and Shaping of Knowledge, Routledge, London and NewYork, 1992.