History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 8.50
Byzantine history
Status: compulsory Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 8.50
Pre-requisites: Enrollment in second year studies in the history department or applicable semester at another dept.
Course objectives: Introducing students to one of the most important and longest lasting world civilizations; its diverse influence on cultures and people groups of the middle ages, notably - those that are included in the classification the „byzantine commonwealth“.
Course description: The Byzantine Empire is one of the most important and longest lasting civilizations in world history, spanning a period from the 4th to the 15th century. In its longevity, the Byzantine Empire went through various phases, rises and also, falls. Although the Byzantine empire strove to maintain an image of steadfastness, under the auspices of retaining traditional values - the Empire, with its center on the Bosphorus, was in reality very dynamic and adaptable, constantly changing to adapt to new circumstances and to survive despite the change and danger in its surroundings. Roughly put, byzantine history can be divided into three sections: early (4th-7th century), middle (7th-11th) and late (11th-15th). Only at the tail-end of the middle century did the Byzantine empire, which once held the glory of a world empire spanning three continents – Europe, Asia and Africa – become a second-rate empire, anachronistic and incapable of reforming itself to survive the danger in the form of Ottoman Turks from the East. In conclusion, the subject of this course is essentially the empire's turbulent thousand year history.
Learning Outcomes: Examining major advancements and events of byzantine history; gaining an understanding of the adoption of byzantine culture by other world civilizations, and its desire to impart its essence to the spirit of the times.
- G. Ostrogorski, Istorija Vizantije, Beograd 1959. (reprint: 1998)
- Oksfordska istorija Vizantije, prir. S. Mango, Beograd 2004.
- Vizantijski izvori za istoriju naroda Jugoslavije, I-IV, VI, Beograd 1955-1986.
- G. Ostrogorski, Sabrana dela, I-VI, Beograd 1969-1970.
- D. Obolenski, Vizantijski komonvelt, Beograd 1991.
- V. Stanković, Carigradski patrijarsi i carevi makedonske dinastije, Beograd 2003.
- V. Stanković, Komnini u Carigradu: (1057 - 1185) Evolucija jedne vladarske porodice, Beograd 2006.
- R. Radić, Vreme Jovana V Paleologa (1332 - 1391), Beograd 1991.
- R. Radić, Crno stoleće. Vreme Jovana V Paleologa (1332 - 1391), Beograd 2013.
- R. Radić, Strah u poznoj Vizantiji 1180 - 1453, Beograd 2000.
- D. Marjanović, Creating Memories in Late 8th-century Byzantium. The Short History of Nikephoros of Constantinople, Amsterdam University Press 2018.
- L. O. Vilimonović, Structure and Features of Anna Komnene’s Alexiad. Emergence of a Personal History, Amsterdam University Press 2019.
- D. Marjanović, Vizantijski svet i Srpska crkva u 13. i 14. veku, Novi Sad 2018.
- V. Stanković, Putovanja kroz Vizantiju, Beograd 2016.