
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Modern European History
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 9.00
Pre-requisites: Fulfilled academic obligations from the previous year and knowledge of a foreign language

Course objectives: Introducing students to the issues and research in studying modern European History. Enabling students to gain a holistic picture of contemporary european and world history, social and political phenomena of the 20th century

Course description: This course is devoted to studying contemporary European history and will analyze important political, social, economic and cultural aspects of the 20th century and the inter-relations of certain phenomena(ideologies, political change and economic development, demographic changes and migrations, culture of everyday etc). Our attention will be focused on analyzing general transformations in Europe from the industrial era and the World wars, to the development of a post-industrial, consumer society and its functioning and role in the process of globalization, multiculturalism and the creation of a technological society

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to factually, conceptually and problematically understand, analyze and formulate scientific problems, issues and phenomena in modern European history, utilizing the latest historical research findings.

  • Ilustrovana istorija sveta t. IV. ’’Savremeni svet’’, Beograd 1981.
  • P. Renouvin, Evropska kriza i Prvi svetski rat, Zagreb 1965.
  • P. Kalvokorezi i G. Vint, Totalni rat, Beograd 1987.
  • Erik Hobsbaum, Doba ekstrema: Istorija kratkog dvadesetog veka 1914-1991, Beograd 2002.
  • V. Laker, Istorija Evrope 1945-1992, Beograd 1999.
  • A. Mitrović, Vreme netrpeljivih. Politička istorija velikih država Evrope 1919-1939, Beograd 1974. (drugo izdanje: Podgorica 1999.)
  • Svet posle Drugog svetskog rata 1-2, Beograd 1975.
  • Džon M. Roberts, Evropa 1880-1945, Beograd 2002.
  • Pol Kenedi, Uspon i pad Velikih sila. Ekonomska promena i ratovanje 1500-2000 godine, Podgorica-Beograd 2002