History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Old Church Slavic II
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: Completed course in Old Church Slavic I(fourth semester).
Course objectives: Further studying of Old Church Slavic grammar. Introduction to the creation and historical development of cyrillic, its use in medieval Serbia and in important medieval serbian manuscripts.
Course description: Grammar, part two: impersonal pronouns, numbers, adjectives (declension, comparison), aorist (asigmatic, old sigmatic, new sigmatic), participle - active and passive(preterite, present), perfect participle, complex tenses (perfect, plus quam perfectum(past perfect), future, potential. Paleography, its objectives and methods; paleographic characteristics of serbian cyrillic, relevant serbian manuscripts.
Learning Outcomes: Gaining functional knowledge of Old Church Slavic and being able to apply it to reading and understanding serbian medieval texts.
- S.Nikolić, Staroslovenski jezik (pravopis, glasovi, oblici). Primeri sa rečnikom, Beograd - Banja Luka 2005
- P.Đorđić, Istorija srpske ćirilice, Beograd 1971. Postoji više izdanja.
- D.Bogdanović, Ćirilski rukopisi manastira Hilandara. Paleografski album, Beograd 1978
- Opis ćirilskih rukopisa Narodne biblioteke Srbije, Knj.prva, Paleografski album. Priredila L.Cernić, Beograd 1991.