History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 8.50
History of Europe in the Late Middle Ages
Status: compulsory Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 8.50
Pre-requisites: Enrollment in the appropriate semester/year of study.
Course objectives: Introducing students to the course and development of European history from the end of the 11th to the end of the 15th century, with particular focus on interaction between different cultures, ideas and creative forms that marked this period.
Course description: Lectures are devoted to presenting and explaining key phenomena and processes of European medieval history – pilgrimages and the cult of relics, the Crusades, heresies, new monastic orders, the rise and decline of papal power, and especially the diverse network of topics concerning development of state organisms and their institutions, with special emphasis on the great states of Western Europe (France, England, Holy Roman Empire). Practical classes will be devoted to deepening the knowledge acquired at lectures through introduction to the most relevant historical sources about these phenomena and processes, including reading and analyzing relevant excerpts from written sources.
Learning Outcomes: Acquiring basic knowledge that enables understanding of the key phenomena of medieval civilization and its essential values as the foundation of European civilization, with special emphasis on long-term phenomena.
- S. Peinter, Istorija srednjeg veka (284–1500), Beograd 1997, str. 231–490.
- Dž. Linč, Istorija srednjovekovne crkve, Beograd 1999, str. 198–445.
- Istorija Rusije (prir. D. Obolenski i R. Oti), Beograd 2003, 86–113.
- A. D. Udaljcova – J. A. Kosminski – O. L. Vajnštajn, Istorija srednjeg veka I, Beograd 1956, str. 282–350.
- Jacques le Goff, Srednjovekovna civilizacija Zapadne Evrope, Beograd 1974.
- Ž. Dibi, Vreme katedrala, Beograd 1989 (Sremski Karlovci 2006).
- J. Hojzinga, Jesen srednjeg veka, Novi Sad 1991.
- F. Dvornik, Sloveni u evropskoj istoriji i civilizaciji, Beograd 2001.
- Istorija privatnog života II (prir. F. Arijes i Ž. Dibi), Beograd 2001.
- J. Le Goff, Intelektualci u srednjem vijeku, Zagreb 1982.
- E. Le Roa-Ladiri, Montaju, oksitansko selo od 1294. do 1324, Sremski Karlovci – Novi Sad 1992.
- A. Tenenti, Italija u 15. veku, Beograd 2001.
- P. Rokai i dr., Istorija Mađara, Beograd 2002, str. 43–173.
- D. B. Alvares – H. H. Pećaroman, Istorija Španije, Beograd 2003, 70–109.
- R. Gruse, Krstaška epopeja, Beograd 2004.
- Čovek srednjeg veka (ur. Ž. Le Gof), Beograd 2007.