History – Master’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Montenegro from the 13th-15th century
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: no specific requirements
Course objectives: Gaining a deeper insight into the main events in the history of Montenegro in the late middle ages. Achieving skills and knowledge necessary for working with relevant sources.
Course description: This course examines the most relevant sources and literature on the topic and will address the misuses and errors present in recent historiography; relevant archives on the history of Montenegro. The history of Duklja, or Montenegro since belonging to the Nemanjici to the final remainders of statehood in the era of the Crnojevici. The status of Montenegro under Nemanjic rule, gradual change of its status after the death of emperor Uros, cities,rise of territorial lords, conflict of serbian, venetian and turkish interests. Understanding the difference between Montenegro as a geographic and historical entity and its political division, traditions and status of communes, territories under lords, herzeg country and venetian territories.
Learning Outcomes: Students will gain an understanding of the major events, processes and phenomena of the history of Montenegro during the late middle ages. Students will be familiar with the methodology of working on documentary and narrative sources and will have gained knowledge and skills necessary for writing papers, historical essays and powerpoint presentations on the subject.
- Istorija Crne Gore 2/ tom 1–2, Titograd 1970.
- I. Božić, Nemirno Pomorje XV veka, Beograd 1979.
- I. Božić, O položaju Zete u državi Nemanjića, IG 1–2 (1950) 97–122
- Srednjovjekovna istorija Crne Gore kao polje istraživanja, Zbornik radova sa Okruglog stola Istorijskog instituta, knjiga 3, Istorijski institut Republike Crne Gore, Podgorica 1999.
- O. J. Schmitt, Das venezianische Albanien (1392–1479), München 2001.
- M. Antonović, Grad i župa u zetskom primorju i severnoj Albaniji u XIV i XV veku, Beograd 2003.
- I. Stijepčević, Arhivska istraživanja Boke Kotorske, Perast 2003
- S. Ćirković, Crna Gora od doseljavanja Slovena do pada pod Turke, [poglavlje u knjizi:] Crna Gora, Beograd 1976, 122–175.
- Đ. Bubalo, Titule Vukana Nemanjića i tradicija Dukljanskog kraljevstva, Đurđevi Stupovi i Budimljanska eparhija, zbornik radova, Berane – Beograd 2011, 79–94
- Đ. Bubalo, Srednjovekovni arhiv manastira Vranjine (prilog rekonstrukciji), Stari srpski arhiv 5 (2006) 243–276
- Acta Albaniae Veneta saeculorum XIV et XV, ed. J. VALENTINI, 25 vols. (München, 1967-1979)