
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Working Methodology of School Educationalist
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: There are no particular requirements for attending this course.

Course objectives: Acquisition of knowledge about the role of educationalist in school; training for understanding the initial theoretical foundations of practical activities of school educationalist; stimulation for building skills and capacities necessary for practical actions.

Course description: Theoretical course: Development of educational psychological service in school. The role of school educationalist in school work programming and evaluation. Educational-instructive work of school educationalist and cooperation with teachers. Cooperation of school educationalist with students. Cooperation of school educationalist with parents and local community. Analytic-research work of school educationalist. The work of school educationalist in administrative and professional school departments. Types and contents of documentation of the school work and the work of educationalist. Practical courses: Student practical work in schools (individual performance of activities of school educationalist and writing a report on the completed task).

Learning Outcomes: Students should know the work domains and activities of school educationalist and understand the cohesion of theoretical knowledge and practical action, and different conceptions of the role of educationalist in school.

  • Trnavac, N. (1996): Pedagog u školi, prilog metodici rada školskog pedagoga. Beograd: Učiteljski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.
  • Havelka, N. Hebib, E. i Baucal, A. (2003): Ocenjivanje za razvoj učenika – priručnik za nastavnike. Beograd: Ministarstvo prosvete Republike Srbije.
  • Hebib, E. (2011): Saradnički odnosi u školi, Pedagogija, god. 66, br. 1, str. 7-17.
  • Hrnjica. S. (2009): Inkluzija kao pedagoški izazov, Škola po meri deteta II . Beograd: Save The Children, Program za Srbiju.
  • Maksić, S. (2007): Darovito dete u školi. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike.
  • Hebib, E. (2013). Kako razvijati školu – razvojni i reformski procesi u oblasti školskog obrazovanja. Beograd: Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. (str. 121-138)
  • Hebib, E. (2014). Dimenzije uloge školskog pedagoga. Nastava i vaspitanje, god. 63, br. 2, 337-350.
  • Altaras Dimitrijević, A. i Tatić Janevski, S. (2016). Obrazovanje učenika izuzetnih sposobnosti: naučne osnove i smernice za škoslku praksu. Beograd: Zavod za unepređivanje obrazovanja i vaspitanja.
  • Hebib, E. i Matović, N. (2012). Istraživački rad školskog pedagoga. Nastava i vaspitanje, god. 61, br. 1, 67-83.
  • Hrnjica, S. (ur.) (2004). Škola po meri deteta – priručnik za rad sa učenicima redovne škole ometenim u razvoju. Beograd: Institut za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, Save the Children – Kancelarija u Beogradu.
  • Kovač Cerović, T., Vizek Vidović, V. i Pauel, S. (2012). Upravljanje školom i socijalna inkluzija - Uključenost roditelja: Komparativno istraživanje stavova roditelja Jugoistočne Evrope. Komparativno istraživanje stavova roditelja Jugoistočne Evrope. Ljubljana: Pedagoški fakultet Univerziteta u Ljubljani i Centar za istraživanje obrazovne politike.
  • Zuković, S. (2017). Savetodavni rad u institucijama vaspitanje i obrazovanja – teorijski i praktični aspekti. Novi Sad: Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Novom Sadu.