Archaeology – Master’s Degree 2009
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
National Archaeology of the Middle Ages-Research and Study Methods
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: 3 months of field work
Course objectives: To summarize the experience and knowledge made available to students in order to enable them for independent research, and to grade their efforts.
Course description: Familiarization with theoretical postulates necessary for research in middle age archaeology.
Learning Outcomes: Practical work and oral examination
- V. Jovanović, Zapažanja o srednjovekovnoj nekropoli u Demir Kapiji, Zbornik Filozofskog fakulteta XI-1, Beograd 1970, 119-147.
- M. Janković, Zatvorene arheološke celine manastira Studenice, Saopštenja 18, Beograd 1986, 7-21.
- N. Jakšić, Crkve na Begovači i problem starohrvatskih nekropola, Diadora 11, Zadar 1989, 407-433.
- Ostala literatura u dogovoru sa nastavnikom.
- M. Milinković, Odeljenje za arheologiju, Spomenica Filozofski fakultet 1838-1998, Beograd 1998, 425-440
- M. Milinković, Arheologija mode kao arheologija identiteta - nekoliko primera, Niš i Vizantija, Zbornik radova II, Niš 2004, 185-195.
- P. Geary, Mit o nacijama. Srednjovekovno poreklo Evrope, Novi Sad 2007.
- M. Džonson, Arheološka teorija. Uvod, Beograd, 2008.