
Archaeology – Doctoral Degree 2009
Bone tools
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: Methodology of Archaeozoological Research I, Methodology of Archaeozoological Research II or Archaeozoology I.

Course objectives: Introducing students to materials derived from animals used in the manufacture of artifacts, morphology, function, and typology, methods of assignment of types and parts of the skeleton from which an object was made.

Course description: Human and non human modifications on bone material; Traces of wear and manufacture. Determining the type of material used for the manufacture of artifacts: bones, horn, teeth and ivory, shells, snails, other kids of mollusks; Morphological and functional analysis of bone and horn artifacts; Assigning skeletal elements and taxonomical determination of modified osteological material; Typology of bone artifacts.

Learning Outcomes: Class attendance, essay and a written examination.

  • Bačkalov A., 1979: Predmeti od kosti i roga u preneolitu i neolitu Srbije, Fontes Arcaeologiae Iugoslaviae, II: 1-58; Perišić S., 1984: Predmeti od kosti, roga i kamena iz Odseka za pra
  • Becker C., 2003, Bone artefacts and man - an attempt at a cultural synthesis, in: Grupe G. & Joris P., Decyphering ancient bones, Documenta Archaeobiologiae, BD.1: 83-124.
  • Petković, S., 1995, Rimski predmeti od kosti i roga sa teritorije Gornje Mezije Arheološki institut, Beograd, Posebna izdanja, 28: 1-150.
  • Dimitrijević V. & Tripković B., 2006.: Spondylus and Glycymeris bracelets: trade reflections at Neolithic Vinča – Belo Brdo.- Documenta Praehistorica, XXXIII: 237-252.