
Andragogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Learning strategies and methods of adult education
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 4
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: Completed course on Andragogical Didactics

Course objectives: Introduction into theoretical foundations of the modern approach to teaching adults and development of competencies for designing and implementation of strategies and methods of teaching adults.

Course description: Theoretical segment: Theoretical foundations of contemporary adult teaching. Strategies and design of teaching adults. Active learning and interactive teaching. Methods of adult teaching. Roles of learners and teachers in education of adults. Teachers perspectives, reflection and self reflection in the teaching/learning process. Practical segment: Planning of teaching and training programs. Exercising implementation of different teaching methods. Practicing of communication, facilitation, moderation and presentation. Models and techniques of the feedback. Instruments and methods of evaluation of the teaching process and instructors.

Learning Outcomes: Theoretical background and concepts of active learning and interactive teaching of adults recognized. identified principles of planning, designing and delivering of adult teaching programs. Acquired skills and competencies for designing and delivering of teaching programs for adults.

  • Džarvis, P. (2003). Poučavanje – teorija i praksa. Zagreb: Andragoški centar
  • Ivić. I., Pešikan, A., Janković, S., Kijevčanin, S. (1997). Aktivno učenje : priručnik za primenu aktivnih metoda nastave/učenja. Beograd: Institut za psihologiju.
  • Pavlović-Breneselović, D., Pavlovski,T.(2000). Interaktivna obuka. Beograd:IPA
  • Jelenc Krašovec, S., Nastavnik za odrasle – facilitator obrazovanja i ličnog razvoja, Andragoške studije, 2005.
  • Reiser,A.R,Dempsey,V.J (ed)(2012).Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology, Pearson
  • Roeders, P. (2003). Interaktivna nastava. Beograd: Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju
  • Kulić, R., Despotović, M. (2005). Uvod u andragogiju. Beograd: Svet knjige
  • Stojnov, D. (2005). Od psihologije ličnosti ka psihologiji osoba: konstruktivizam kao nova platforma u obrazovanju i vaspitanju
  • Ber,V.(2001). Socijalni konstrukcionizam. Beograd: Cepter Buk Vorld