
Andragogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Marketing in Adult Education
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: Passed the exam in the Management in Adult Education course

Course objectives: Understanding the theoretical basis of marketing in adult education; understanding marketing management of nonprofit organizations, training for the development and implementation of marketing plans in educational activities.

Course description: Theoretical course: -Interdisciplinary approach to marketing problems; - The basis of non-profit marketing - theories, approaches, assumptions of application in educational activity; -Strategic marketing of educational institutions; -Specificity of marketing in educational activity; -Marketing activities in education (external and internal marketing activities and dissemination of educational publications - advertising activities); -Andragog as a marketing manager / PR of educational organization. Practical course: - Analysis of external and internal educational environment using strategic marketing analysis methods; -Market positioning of an educational institution (or form) in the "education market"; -Creation of educational institution’ marketing plan; -Using marketing mix instruments in the nonprofit sector; -Advertising in educational activities (concepts, strategies, marketing mixes, PR ...).

Learning Outcomes: - Understands the theoretical basis of marketing; - Understands the specifics of marketing of non-profit organizations; - Apply methods of strategic marketing analysis; - Develop marketing plan for educational institutions; - Creates marketing mix of educational organization.

  • Alibabić, Š., (2002), Teorija organizacije obrazovanja odraslih, IPA Filozofskog fakulteta, Beograd
  • Alibabić, Š., (2000), Marketing u obrazovanju odraslih, Andragoške studije, br.1-2, Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta, Beograd
  • Kotler, F., (2005), Upravljanje marketingom, Data Status, Beograd
  • Miljković, J., Kovačević, J., (2011) Elementi marketing miksa kao činioci izbora viskoobrazovne institucije, Andragoške studije, broj 1, Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta, Beograd , str. 135-156.
  • Meler, M., (2003) Neprofitni marketing, Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku, Osijek.
  • Pavičić, J., (2003) Strategija marketinga neprofitnih organizacija, MASMEDIA, Zagreb.
  • Hanić, H., (2008), Upravljanje marketingom, Beogradska bankarska akademija, Beograd