
Andragogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Recruiting and Selection of Human Resources
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: Human Resource Development exam

Course objectives: Development of competences and acquisition of theoretical knowledge about processes of recruiting and selection of human resources, and shaping of stimulating jobs.

Course description: Theoretical course: Theoretical basis and key research paradigms in the processes of recruiting and selection of human resources – Formal and non-formal structures of organization – Andragogical design of stimulative jobs – The influences of changes in modern organization on the process of recruitment, provision and selection of human resources. Practical course: Examining and predicting the needs and planning the improvement of human resources structure – Designing and application of adult educational instruments, methods and techniques for recruitment, provision and selection of human resources.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course students will be able to: understand and explain processes, apply methods and techniques of planning, improving the human resources structure, recruiting and obtaining human resources, participate in selection of human resources, design stimulating jobs and environment.

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  • Ovesni, K., prir. (2015), Regrutovanje i selekcija ljudskih resursa, hrestomatija
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  • Hoe, R. i dr. (2006). Menadžment ljudskih potencijala. Zagreb: Mate, 108—202
  • Robbins, S., Judge, T. (2009). Organizacijsko ponašanje. Zagreb: Mate, 224—257, 606—61
  • Torrington, D., Hall., L., Taylor, S. (2004). Menadžment ljudskih resursa. Beograd: Data status, 136—259
  • Ovesni, K. (2008). Teaching Adults – A Proffession In Its Infancy. In: D. Potolea and P. Jarvis (eds.): Edu–World 2008. Pitesti: University of Pitesti, 279–289.
  • Ovesni, K. (2007). Profesionalne kompetencije andragoga, Zbornik radova sa međunarodne konferencije “Andragogija na početku trećeg milenijuma”, Beograd, 2007, 323-334
  • North, K. (2008). Upravljanje znanjem. Zagreb: Naklada Slap.
  • Cooper, D., Robertson, I.T. (2007). Psihologija odabira zaposlenika. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. 1-170.