
Andragogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Social Andragogy
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 6
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Obligatory attending the course Education of Elderly

Course objectives: Developing knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for competent understanding, research and application of education as a mean of support and help in developmental, particular and critical life situations.

Course description: Theoretical course: The concept, subject and fields of research of social andragogy; Current research paradigms of social andragogy (interpretative and critical); Modern theories of social work and positioning of educational power in these theories; Normative-legislative, ethical and institutional-organizational frames of educational activity in social work; Research of educational needs and development of educational programmes for particular and critical life situations; Goals, concepts and principles of inclusive education. Practical course: Defining the function and the possibilities of adult education and the role of adult educationalist in support and protection of: trafficking victims, persons with psycho-physical development obstruction, addicts, convicts, unemployed, persons from readmission, old people, Roms, homosexuals, victims of violence and abuse, homeless, poor, refugees, chronically ill; Working method of social adult educationalist: methods, techniques, instruments and skills for social-educational work with individuals, family groups and social community.

Learning Outcomes: Student is familiar with the characteristics of developmental, particular and critical life situations, can create educational programmes and interventions in these situations, give support and reinforce an individual, families and particular target groups towards participation in environment.

  • Medić, S. (1987). Socijalna andragogija kao područje andragoških studija,Andragoške studije na visokoškolskim institucijama u Jugoslaviji, Beograd, 54-59.
  • Medić, S. (1993). Obrazovanje i socijalizacija odraslih. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva. odabrana poglavlja
  • Hollstein, W., Meinhold, M. (1980). Socijalni rad u kapitalističkim produkcionim uslovima, Beograd: Viša škola za socijlane radnike, 57-84.
  • Payne, M. (2001). Savremena teorija socijalnog rada, II izdanje, Banja Luka: Filozofski fakultet, odabrana poglavlja
  • Brkić, M., Milosavljević, M. (2005). Socijalni rad u zajednici, Beograd: Socijalna misao. 209-241.
  • Medić, S., Brkić, M., Vlaović Vasiljević, D. i saradnici (2010). Strateško upravljanje integralnom socijalnom zaštitom u lokalnoj zajednici. Beograd: Stalna konferencija gradova i opština, od. poglavlja
  • Medić, S., Milošević, Z. (2008). Obrazovanje odraslih u funkciji redukcije posledica siromaštva na decu. Obrazovanje i siromaštvo u zemljama tranzicije, Beograd: Institut za pedagoška istraživanja.
  • Medić, S., Popović, K. (2008). Preferencija životnog stila mladih odraslih Roma u funkcionalnom osnovnom obrazovanju odraslih. Obrazovanje i učenje – pretpostavke evr. integracija, Beograd: IPA
  • Medić, S. (2010). Kvalitet i efikasnost nastave: razlog napuštanja obrazovanja i povratka u obrazovanje. Kvalitet i efikasnost nastave, Beograd: IPI. 102-111.
  • Medić, S., Milanović, M., Popović, K., Despotović, M. (2009). Funkcionalno osnovno obrazovanje odraslih. Beograd: Institu za pedagogiju i andragogiju
  • Medić, S. (2010). Obrazovanjem starih ka društvu za sve. Gerontologija (2),72-99.