
Andragogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Adult Education Planning
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 6
ECTS Credits Allocated: 7.00
Pre-requisites: Didactics of Adult Education exam

Course objectives: Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and skills about concepts, theories and basic models of adult education planning. Training for different research paradigms application on differentiated levels of adult education planning and design.

Course description: Theoretical course: Theoretical and historical foundations of adult education planning – The concept, subject and constitution of research field of adult education planning – The dimensions of adult education planning process – Methods, techniques and instruments of adult education planning – Basic models of adult education planning (classic-linear, systemic, participatory, strategic, interactive model). Practical course: Prediction and design of educational needs – Writing preliminary plans – Determination of conditions for different models of adult education planning – Decision making – Application of different adult education planning methods and techniques – Plan writing for hypothetical situation – Coordination of adult education planning.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able to: predict and plan educational needs; to review the implications of the context and to write the plan of any adult education activity for different levels of action, in form of basic adult education planning models.

  • Ovesni, K., prir. (2008), Planiranje obrazovanja odraslih, hrestomatija
  • Bhola, H.S., (1989), Politika, planiranje i programiranje u obrazovanju odraslih - razvoj i zbilja, Andragogija, Vol. 35, br. 1-2, str. 201-214
  • EC (2001), Memorandum o doživotnom učenju, Andragoške studije, Vol. 8, br. 1-2, s. 55-82
  • Karnoj, M. (1989), Reforma i planiranje obrazovanja u kontekstu ekonomske krize, Perspektive obrazovanja 3, ZUNS, Beograd
  • Kulić, R., Despotović, M. (2004), Uvod u andragogiju, Svet knjige, Beograd, str. 211-219
  • Kupisievič, C. (1982), Školske reforme u industrijalizovanim zemljama -tendencije i suprotnosti, Perspektive obrazovanja 1, ZUNS, Beograd
  • Lavrnja, I. (2001), Futurološki aspekti pedagoško-andragoških istraživanja, u: Klapan, A: i sar., ed., Andragoške teme, Vlast. naklada, Rijeka
  • MPiS RS, (2002), Strateški pravci razvoja obrazovanja odraslih, Andragoške studije, Vol. 9, br. 1-2, str. 65-88
  • Pastuović, N. (1999), Edukologija, Znamen, Zagreb, str. 418-434
  • Savićević, D. (1997), Učenje odraslih - ključ za 21. vek, Andragoške studije, Vol. 4, br. 2, str. 61-75
  • Sack, P. (1982), Jedna tipologija obrazovnih reformi, Perspektive obrazovanja 1, ZUNS, Beograd
  • Ovesni, K. (2000), Koncept andragogije i praksa obrazovanja odraslih u Holandiji, Andragoške studije, Vol. VII, Br. 1-2, str. 47-60