
Andragogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Didactics of Adult Education
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Psychology of Adulthood and Aging

Course objectives: Introduction into the theory and the conceptions of teaching and organized learning of adults and acquisition of skills of teaching process and organized learning management.

Course description: Theoretical course: Teaching theories in education of adults, Teaching goals and functions, Transfer theories, Designing of teaching and organized learning. Forms and methods of teaching adults: Traditional teaching methods, Interactive teaching. Traditional theories of curriculum development. Practical course: Planning and modelling of learning and teaching units. Communication in education of adults, Models and techniques of giving feedback. Presentation and visualization techniques; Lecturing method, group work method, workshops (discussions, panels, brainstorming, simulations and role play), project, cooperative learning, case studies. Models of programme, process and achievement evaluation. Structure and processes of curriculum development.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the programme student: - understands the informative and formative functions of teaching; - plans different forms of teaching and learning; - knows the basic theories and models of curriculum development; - evaluates teaching programmes, processes and achievements;

  • Despotović, M., (1997) Kritičko mišljenje kod odraslih, IPA, Filozofski fakultet, Beograd.
  • Knežević, V., (1986) Strukturne teorije nastave, Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd,.
  • Paul Roeders, Interaktivna nastava, IPA - Filozofski fakultet, Beograd.
  • Savićević, D., (2007) Osobenosti učenja odraslih, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd.
  • Knol, J., (1988) Metode Kurseva i seminara, DP Đuro Salaj, Beograd.
  • Müler, W. Weigman, S., (2000) Netradicionalne metode u obrazovanju odraslih, HZPOS, Zagreb.