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Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
Бодрошки Спариосу, Б. (2012), Филозофске основе стваралаштва, сарадње и иницијативе у педагошким теоријама, (69-91), у: Ј.Шефер и др.(ур.). Стваралаштво, иницијатива и сарадња. Део 1, Београд: ИПИ
Dill, J. S. (2007), Durkheim and Dewey and the challenge of contemporary moral education, Journal of Moral Education, Vol. 36. No. 2. (221-237).
Hamalainen, J. (2003), The Concept of Social Pedagogy in the Field of Social Work, Journal of Social Work, 3, 1, 69-80.
Jones, E. P. (2011), Marxism and Education, Renewing the Dialoge, Pedagogy and Culture, Palgrave Macmillan.
Mascolo, F. M. (2009), Beyond student-centered pedagogy: Teaching and learning as guided participation, Pedagogy and the Human Science, 1, No. 1, (3-27).
Morris, V. C. (1990), Existentialism in Education: What it Means, Illinois, Wavelan Press, Inc.
Peters, R. S. (Ed.), (2010), John Dewey reconsidered, London, Henley and Boston: Routlege & Kegan Paul (23-35; 48-61; 65-77)
Silcock, P. (2002), New Progresivism, Taylor & Francis.
Saltzman; J. (1988), Natorp on Social Education: A Paidea for all Ages. Paper delivered at the 20th Eorld Congree of Philosopy in Boston, USA. Dostupno online:
Walford, G. and Pickering, W. Ed. (2003), Durkheim and Modern Education, London and New York: Routlege (18-39; 65-80).