Историја уметности

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Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
Excavating the Medieval Image. Manuscripts, Artists, Audiences. Essays in honor of Sandra Hindman, ed. by D. S. Areford and N. A. Rowe, Ashgate 2004
H. Belting, Bild und Kult, Eine Geschichte des Bildes vor dem Zeitalter der Kunst, Muenchen 1990 (= H. Belting, Likeness and Presence. A History of Image before the Era of Art, Chicago 1994)
R. Cormack, Byzantine art, Oxford - New York 2000 (series: Oxford history of art)
A. Grabar, L’Âge d’or de Justinien, de la mort de Théodose à l’Islam, Paris 1966.(= A. Grabar, The golden age of Justinian, from the death of Theodosius to the rise of Islam, New York 1967).
В. Н. Лазарев, Историја византијског сликарства, Београд 2004
A. Grabar, Srednjovekovna umetnost istočne Evrope, Novi Sad 1969
The mind’s eye : art and theological argument in the Middle Ages, ed. J. F. Hamburger and A.-M. Bouché, Princeton, 2006
Reading medieval images: the art historian and the object, ed. E. Sears and Th. K. Thomas, Ann Arbor 2002.
A. Grabar, Le premier art chretien (200-395), Paris 1966 (=A. Grabar, Early Christian art. From the rise of Christianity to the death of Theodosius, New York 1968).