
Sociology – Master’s Degree 2014
Comparative Sociology of Organizations
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: General knowledge of sociological thought, sociology of labor and sociology of organizations.

Course objectives: To enable students to become familiar with contemporary social thought on the differences and similarities between organizations in various cultures, their characteristics, important shaping influences, functions and subjectivity to change.

Course description: Specifying the subject and domain of comparative sociology of organizations and foundational theoretical-methodological orientations; defining differences and similarities in the structures of organizations - theory and practice, organizational cultures, management, motivating, reward system and changes in modern working organizations at a cross-national level.

Learning Outcomes: For students to be able to detect, study and solve social problems that accompany people involved in working for organizations in various global societies.

  • Bolčić S. 2003. Svet rada u transformaciji. Beograd: Plato.
  • Castells M. 2000. Uspon umreženog društva. Zagreb: Golden marketing.
  • Whitley R. D. 1999. Divergent Capitalisms: The Social Structuring and Change of Business Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • House R. J. et al. (Eds.). 2004. Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • Gelfand M. J., Erez M., Aycan Z. 2007. Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior. Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 58, pp. 479-514.
  • Mojić D. 2003. Stilovi vođstva menadžera u Srbiji. Beograd: Institut za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta.
  • Mojić D. 2010. Kultura i organizacije. Beograd: Čigoja; Institut za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta.