
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Classical social theory
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: To be able to successfully complete this course, students should have basic knowledge of general history of the 19th and first half of the 20th century (1789-1945) as well as understand at least one foreign language.

Course objectives: The main goal of this course is for students to learn history of classical social thought and theory.

Course description: This course does not try to cover all historical currents in sociology during the 19th and first half of 20th century, but rather focuses on: (a) analysis of fundamental &methodological issues in re-constructing the sociological tradition; (b) examining some of the most influential theoretical paradigms during the formation of classical social theory & thought and (c) understanding the effect of those paradigms and classical social theory on contemporary sociology.

Learning Outcomes: This course will enable students to creatively use their knowledge of classical social theory and will give them a framework in which to place what they learn in the Contemporary social theory course and other further studies in sociology.

  • A. Mimica (prir.), Tekst i kontekst. Ogledi o istoriji sociologije (Predgovor i tekstovi: R. Nizbet, R. Merton, E. Gidens, A. Stinčkomb, S. Sidmen, R. Konel)
  • M. Lalman, Istorija socioloških ideja, tom I: Uvod i gl. 2-6.
  • F. Šatle, Enciklopedijski rečnik političke filozofije I-II; Dž. Ricer, Savremena sociološka teorija i njeni klasični koreni; A. Mimica i M. Bogdanović (prir.), Sociološki rečnik