
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Sociology of Youth
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: Elementary knowledge of sociological theory and methodology

Course objectives: To introduce students to fundamental characteristics of the social position and orientation of youth in a modern pluralistic society.

Course description: This course covers basic theoretical and empirical ideas of sociological research on young people, youth, adolescents, students and informal youth social groups and movements. It encompasses an examination of sociological theories on youth, contemporary theories on young people in a pluralistic society, explains the process of socialization and characteristics of youth culture and subcultures, generational and birth differences and relations, education, work, family relations, leisure and looks at the political participation and social activism of youth.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to detect key elements of the social position and orientation of youth in today's pluralistic society and address specific social problems that young people face.

  • Milić A., Čičkarić L. 1998. Generacija u protestu, ISI FF, Beograd
  • Milić A. 1987. Zagonetka omladine, CID IDIS, Beograd, Zagreb
  • Mihailović S., Popadić D. 2002. Mladi u Srbiji 2002 - nacionalno istraživanje omladine, Ministarstvo prosvete i sporta - Sektor za učenički i studentski standard i CPA, Beograd
  • Čičkarić L. 2003. "Konstrukcija političkog identiteta u kontekstu globalizacije i tranzicije društva," Sociološki pregled, XXXVII, 1-2, 79-99.
  • Nikolić M., Mihailović S. (ed.) 2004. Mladi zagubljeni u tranziciji, Centar za proučavanje alternativa, Beograd
  • Pantić D. 1990. Promene vrednosnih orijentacija mladih u Srbiji, IDN Beograd
  • Mojić D. 2004. "Radne strategije gradske i seoske omladine u Srbiji," u: Društvena transformacija i strategije društvenih grupa, (priredila A. Milić), ISI FF, Beograd, 219-235
  • Mojić D. 2004. Zaposlena omladina u Srbiji početkom trećeg milenijuma, u: Mladi zagubljeni u tranziciji. Beograd: Centar za proučavanje alternativa