
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Social and Spatial Exclusion
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 4
ECTS Credits Allocated: 3.00
Pre-requisites: Knowledge of general social theory and methodology

Course objectives: For students to develop analytical abilities for assessing characteristics of spatial aspects of social exclusivity; developing operative indicators and proposing tangible problems and solutions in the battle against social exclusivity in social space.

Course description: This course theoretically examines concepts related to social exclusivity within three of the dominant discourses surrounding the issue: discourse of sub-classes, redistribution (social justice) and social integration (prevalent in market economy discourse). We will define the relationship between social and spatial exclusion (when spatial segregation becomes social exclusion). This course emphasizes the difference between the concept of poverty of a population and a poor sector, as well as the difference between urban and rural poverty. We will study the concept of ghettos, culture of poverty and homelessness as the most radical form of social exclusion. We will also examine the idea of social capital of a local community functioning as a requirement for social inclusion. The practical component of the course deals with systems and indicators of social and spatial exclusion that are applied in research through specific programs. These programs will be examined through a comparative perspective (various institutional contexts and set goals: social cohesion and social justice). The content of this course includes examining situations in the EU (member countries), as well as the experiences of post-socialist countries.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to address issues surrounding social and spatial exclusiveness, in a theoretical and research oriented capacity.

Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Social and Spatial Exclusion
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 4
ECTS Credits Allocated: 3.00
Pre-requisites: Knowledge of general social theory and methodology

Course objectives: For students to develop analytical abilities for assessing characteristics of spatial aspects of social exclusivity; developing operative indicators and proposing tangible problems and solutions in the battle against social exclusivity in social space.

Course description: This course theoretically examines concepts related to social exclusivity within three of the dominant discourses surrounding the issue: discourse of sub-classes, redistribution (social justice) and social integration (prevalent in market economy discourse). We will define the relationship between social and spatial exclusion (when spatial segregation becomes social exclusion). This course emphasizes the difference between the concept of poverty of a population and a poor sector, as well as the difference between urban and rural poverty. We will study the concept of ghettos, culture of poverty and homelessness as the most radical form of social exclusion. We will also examine the idea of social capital of a local community functioning as a requirement for social inclusion. The practical component of the course deals with systems and indicators of social and spatial exclusion that are applied in research through specific programs. These programs will be examined through a comparative perspective (various institutional contexts and set goals: social cohesion and social justice). The content of this course includes examining situations in the EU (member countries), as well as the experiences of post-socialist countries.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to address issues surrounding social and spatial exclusiveness, in a theoretical and research oriented capacity.

  • Mina Petrović, Transformacija gradova – depolitizacija urbanog pitanja, Beograd: ISI FF, 2008 (u štampi)
  • Mina Petrović, Sociologija stanovanja – Stambena politika: izazovi i mogućnosti, Beograd ISI FF, 2004.
  • Eurostat statistika
  • Dokumenti EU (Socijalna povelja, Lisabonska deklaracija, Nacionalni programi akcija)
  • Relevantni strateški dokumenti u Srbiji (Strategija smanjenja siromaštva, Lokalne agende 21 i sl).
  • Petrović, M. (2004) "Stambeni položaj i stambene strategije domaćinstava u Srbiji", U: Milić, A. (ur)Društvena transformacija i strategije društvenih grupa, Beograd: ISI FF:
  • Petrović, M. I Tomanović, S. (2006) "Rizici i bezbednosti u susedstvu iz perspektive dece i njihovih roditelja", U Tomanović, S. (ur) Društvo u previranju, Beograd: ISI FF.