
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Challenges of Contemporary Families
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: To successfully take part in this course students need to be familiar with basic sociological, anthropological, psychological and pedagogical concepts and methods.

Course objectives: The goal of this course is for students to learn about the myriad issues & problems facing the modern family; approaches to studying issues and alternative ways of solving problems in countries going through transition. Knowledge gained in this course will give students a sociological perspective on the issue.

Course description: This course covers problems present in the sociology of family as well as intimate relationships with the main focus being on families in contemporary society and transitional social groups.

Learning Outcomes: Upon finishing this course, students will be professionally equipped to practically use alternative problem solving skills related to modern families in social research.

  • Andjelka Milić: Sociologija porodice,Čigoja,2001Andjelka Milić(priredjivač)Društvena transformacija i strategije društvenih grupa,ISI,2004 (pojedini tekstovi).
  • A.Milic:Svakodnevni zivot porodica u vrtlogu drustvenog rasula,1991-1995 u:S.Bolcic:Drustvene promene i svakodnevni zivot.Srbija po;etkom 90-ih.ISI FF,Beograd,str.