
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
General 19th-20th Century History
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Familiarity with english or another relevant foreign language, computer access and internet proficiency

Course objectives: An introduction to the major events, concepts and issues in world history, especially international relations, politics and culture, with an emphasis on the period of 1945-2001, which is considered pivotal to sociologists.

Course description: Theoretical component: Lectures will address the time period of 1945-2001. Topics: post-war Europe, USA and international relations, Cold War, domestic policy and relations of Western and Eastern European countries, major developments in Serbian and Yugoslavian history, western European culture, the fall of the Berlin wall, collapse of the Soviet Union and a bi-polar world, globalization. Practical component: during seminars, students will be introduced to basic concepts and issues in 19th century and the first half of the 20th century history. Topics: French Revolution, European reorganization after Napoleon's Wars, romanticism, nationalism, social conflicts, political ideas and artistic movements, colonialism, World War I, October soviet Revolution, international relations between the two world wars.

Learning Outcomes: Students will acquire foundational knowledge which will help them understand modern phenomena, global politics and international relations, historical problems in contemporary societies, globalization and contemporary culture.

  • Nikola Samardžić, Drugi dvadeseti vek. Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2008, 408 str. (Biblioteka Društvena misao), ISBN 978-86-7549-760-8 COBISS.SR-ID 147841292
  • Frenklin L. Ford: EVROPA U DOBA REVOLUCIJA 1780–1830, Clio, Beograd, 2005.(odabrani odeljci)
  • Džon M. Roberts: EVROPA 1880–1945, Clio, Beograd, 2002.(odabrani odeljci)
  • Volter Laker: Istorija Evrope 1945–1992, Clio, Beograd, 1999.(odabrani odeljci)
  • Volfgang Šmale: ISTORIJA EVROPSKE IDEJE, Clio, Beograd, 2003.(odabrani odeljci)
  • Džon L. Gedis: HLADNI RAT, Beograd, Clio, 2003.
  • Ričard Dž. Krempton: BALKAN POSLE DRUGOG SVETSKOG RATA, Beograd, Clio,2003.
  • Vojislav Pavlović: Od monarhije do republike – SAD i Jugoslavija 1941–1945, Beograd, Clio, 1998.
  • Hari Herder: EVROPA U DEVETNAESTOM VEKU, Beograd, Clio, 2003.
  • H. Parks, Istorija SAD, Bgd, 1985
  • Zbignjev Bžežinski, Velika šahovska tabla, CID, Podgorica, 2001;
  • Džozef S. Naj, Kako razumevati međunarodne sukobe, Beograd, 2006
  • Semjuel P. Hantington, Treći talas. Demokratizacija na kraju dvadesetog veka, Beograd, 2004.
  • Džozef Naj, Paradoks američke moći-zašto jedina svetska supersila ne može sama, BMG, Beograd, 2004.
  • Frensis Fukujama, Kraj Istorije i poslednji čovek, CID, Podgorica, 1998.
  • Semjuel Hantington, Sukob civilizacija i preoblikovanje svetskog poretka, CID, Podgorica, 1998.
  • Zbignjev Bžežinski, Američki izbor-globalna dominacija ili globalno vođstvo, Politička kultura, Zagreb, CID, Podgorica, 2004.