
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Schools and Systems of Psychology
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: The course requires previous knowledge in cognitive, developmental, social and clinical psychology.

Course objectives: ?. Acquiring knowledge about the historical development of psychological systems b. The criteria for analysing systems in psychology c. The current status of psychological systems.

Course description: ?. Issues in studying the historical development of psychology b. Basic ideas about scientific development c. What are systems in psychology d. The major systems of psychology and their development.

Learning Outcomes: Acquiring knowledge about the broadest framework of the theoretical development in psychology.

Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Schools and Systems of Psychology
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: The course requires previous knowledge in cognitive, developmental, social and clinical psychology.

Course objectives: ?. Acquiring knowledge about the historical development of psychological systems b. The criteria for analysing systems in psychology c. The current status of psychological systems.

Course description: ?. Issues in studying the historical development of psychology b. Basic ideas about scientific development c. What are systems in psychology d. The major systems of psychology and their development.

Learning Outcomes: Acquiring knowledge about the broadest framework of the theoretical development in psychology.

  • 1. Vid Pečjak: Stvaranje psihologije 2. Ričard Evans: Graditelji psihologije 3. Tomas Kun: Struktura naučnih revolucija 4. Hjubert Drajfus: Šta računari ne mogu
  • 1. Vigotski(1927/1996): Istorijski smisao psihološke krize, U: Vigotski: Sabrana dela, tom 1 Pitanja teorije i istorije psihologije, str. 227-336.
  • 2.Korać, Ž.: Škole i sistemi u psihologiji, str. 60-88 (Strukturalizam), 89-119 (Funkcionalizam), 157-196 (Geštalt psihologija)
  • 3.Radonjić, S: Uvod u psihologiju; str. 17-24 (Tičener),50-75 (Introspektivne metode), 149-158 (Operacionalne definicije), 159-168 (Intervenišuće varijable i hipotetički konstrukti), 169-206 (Bihejviorizam i naučna objektivnost), 261-266 (Sistemi u psihologiji), 332-353 (Sukob fenomenološke i bihejviorističke metodologije u savremenoj psihologiji)
  • 4. Frojd, S.(1940/2006: Nacrt psihoanalize; U: S. Frojd. Kompletan uvod u psihoanalizu. Podgorica: Nova knjiga, str. 457-476 (I deo: Priroda psihičkog)
  • 5. Frojd, S.(1923/1986): Ja i Ono; U: S. Frojd: Budućnost jedne iluzije i drugi spisi. Zagreb: Naprijed, str. 269-301 (Svest i nesvesno, Ja i Ono, Ja i Nad-Ja, Dve vrste nagona)
  • 6. Hol, K. Lindzi, G.: Teorije ličnosti; 598-628 (Skiner)