
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Methodics in Teaching Psychology
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00

Course objectives: Providing opportunities to gain experience in teaching psychology, investigating teaching practice and understanding the specific characteristics of the role of psychology teacher.

Course description: Theoretical/practical: Objective and goals in teaching psychology: Contribution of instruction in psychology to enrichment of the development and learning of the student; Planning and preparing for classes (elements of planning and preparation, goals and function of the planning, educational plans and programs, preparation of educational materials, educational technology); realization of the planned activities, class dynamics; Teaching methods (interactive instruction, cooperative methods, problem-solving, experiential learning); Motivating and activating the students, self-regulated learning; Group dynamics of the class; Cooperation with the parents and colleagues; Class discipline; Evaluation of student performance; Self-evaluation and investigation/reflection on one’s own practice and building an individual teaching style. Psychology teacher in other roles (form teacher, student counsellor, school counsellor…).

Learning Outcomes: Understanding the problems of teaching psychology and the role of the teacher; Basic skills in planning goals, contents, methods and evaluation of the instruction.

  • Grupa autora: Aktivno učenje I i II, Institut za psihologiju, 2003.
  • Kovac-Cerović, T., R. Rosandić, D. Popadić: UČIONICA DOBRE VOLjE I -III, Grupa MOST, Beograd,
  • Plut, D. i dr. (2001). Kultura kritičkog mišljenja. Beograd: Institut za psihologiju, Grupa MOST, bazični priručnik
  • Pešić J. M. Kritičko mišljenje u nastavi psihologije - iskustva jednog programa, Nastava i vaspitanje, 2004, vol. 53, br. 4-5, str. 330-342
  • Vizek Vidović, V., Rijavec, M., Vlahović-Štetić, V., Miljković, D. (2003.): Psihologija obrazovanja. IEP – Vern: Zagreb
  • Gordon, T. Kako biti uspešan nastavnik, Kreativni centar, Beograd, 2000
  • Rajović, V., Radulović, L. Ideje za novi pristup obrazovanju nastavnika, Nastava i vaspitanje, 4/2000, str. 626-636