
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Planning of Teaching
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: none

Course objectives: Understanding the role of planning in curriculum development; learning about various aspects of planning in teaching: domains, types, levels, strategies and techniques; enabling students to plan teaching based on different goals and effects of teaching.

Course description: Perspectives on relation between curriculum and teaching. The role of planning in development of curriculum and teaching. Different curriculums and approaches to planning of teaching. Relations between planning, monitoring, assessment and evaluation. Types, domains and levels of planning. Strategies and techniques of planning. Student participation in planning of teaching. Planning in different conceptions and models of teaching. Thematic, problem-based and interdisciplinary planning. Thematic unit in disciplinary and thematic cycle in interdisciplinary teaching. Planning directed to specific qualities of teaching, e.g. interactivity and dialogue in teaching. Multi-modality in teaching and planning. Planning directed at position and activities of students. Planning of different classes for different teaching goals. Workshop. Methodical levels in planning of teaching methods. Planning within projects. Planning in the story method. Roles of pedagogue in planning of teaching.

Learning Outcomes: Students should: be familiar with different types and levels of planning in teaching; understand the logic behind curriculum planning and planning in different models of teaching; be able to plan changes in different aspects of teaching and plan different types of classes.

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  • Kiper, H., Mischke, W. (2008), Uvod u opću didaktiku, Educa, Zagreb, str. 37-54, 93-107.
  • Meyer, H. (2002), Didaktika razredne kvake: Rasprave o didaktici, metodici i razvoju škole, Educa, Zagreb, str. 111-183.
  • Mitrović, M. (2011), O novim konceptima metoda u nastavi, Pedagogija, 66, 1, str. 168-172.
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  • Radulović, L., Mitrović, M. (2011), Zašto su nastavne metode u našim školama nedovoljno raznovrsne, Nastava i vaspitanje, 60, 3, str. 367-377.
  • Vidović, V., Vlahović- Štetić, D. (2002), Planiranje, praćenje i ocenjivanje; u: Aktivno učenje i kritičko mišljenje u visokoškolskoj nastavi, Forum za slobodu odgoja, Zagreb, str. 11-33.
  • Šefer, J. (2003), Pristupi tematskoj nastavi, Zbornik instituta za pedagoška istraživanja, br. 35, str. 79-93.
  • Đorđević, J. (1997), Nastavnik i učenik u savremenoj školi, SPDJ, Beograd.
  • Đukić, M. (2003), Didaktičke inovacije kao izazov i izbor, SPDV, Novi Sad.
  • Palekćić, M. (2007), Od kurikuluma do obrazovnih standarda, u: Previšić, V. (ur.), Kurikulum, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, str. 39-105.
  • Gudjons, H., Teske, R., Winkel, R. (ur.)(1994), Didaktičke teorije, Educa, Zagreb, str. 15-56.