
Pedagogy – Master’s Degree 2014
Educational Management
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 7.00
Pre-requisites: There are no particular requirements for attending this course.

Course objectives: Acquisition of knowledge about the function and nature of management in the field of school education; enabling students to critically analize issues in the field of the management of the school system and school management.

Course description: Theoretical course: Significance, functions and nature of management in the field of education. Structural components of the system of the management, the types and levels of management in the field of school education. The management of the school system and school management. Importance and assumptions construction and implementation of functional education policy. Development and reform of the school system as a prerequisite and indicator of effective management in the field of school education. Practical classes: Research work with students to learn about the experiences of practitioners in performing administrative and management functions; themed visit to the state administrative bodies and professional institutions in the field of education in order to learn from their jurisdiction and scope of work.

Learning Outcomes: Students should have knowledge about the function and nature of management in education, structural components and various types of management in the field of school education; understand the importance of effective governance in education.

  • Hebib, E. (2013): Kako razvijati školu - razvojni i reformski procesi u oblasti školskog obrazovanja, Beograd: Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta. (str. 19-73)
  • Čizmić, S. i dr. (1995): Psihologija i menadžment, Beograd: Institut za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta. (str. 17-38; 39-54)
  • Levels of Autonomy and Responsibility of Teachers in Europe (2008), Brussels: Eurydice.
  • School Autonomy in Europe: Policies and Measures (2007), Brussels: Eurydice.
  • Barrera-Osorio, F.; Fasih, T. & A. Patrinos (2009): Decentralization Decision-Making in Schools (The Theory and Evidence on School-Based Management), Washington: The World Bank. (str. 15-37)
  • Gammage, D. (2009). Managing School Change: Continuous Improvement Based on a Shared Vision and a Strategic Plan. In J. Zajda & D. Gammage (Eds.), Decentralisation, School-Based Management and Quality (pp. 102-123). London and New York: Springer.
  • Pont, B., Nusche, D. & Moorman, H. (2008). Improving School Leadership: Policy and Practice. Paris: OECD. (15-68)
  • Yukl, G. (2008). Rukovođenje u organizacijama – teorijske spoznaje, pojmovi, praktične smjernice. Zagreb: Naklada Slap. (str. 1-23; 81-115; 179-213)