
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Motivation and Emotions
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 4
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: There are no prerequisites for attending the course. Knowledge of Physiology of nervous system, Psychology of Perception and Methodology of Psychological Research is useful.

Course objectives: 1. Acquiring knowledge about motivation, emotions, sleep, dream and integration processes. 2. Introduction to standard methodological and theoretical approaches to motivation, emotions, sleep, dreams and integration processes.

Course description: ?. Motivation (physiological, biological and psychological motives, theories) b. Emotions (physiological basis of emotions, theories) c. Sleep and dreams (physiology of sleep, dream content, theories) d. Integrative processes (integrators within and between cognitive, affective and conative domains, integration and layers of personality)

Learning Outcomes: Mastering the basic knowledge about the conative-affective domain of personality.

  • Predrag Ognjenović i Bojana Škorc (2205): “Naše namere i osećanja: Uvod u psihologiju motivacije i emocija”. Zemun: Gutembergova galaksija.