
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Introduction to Developmental Psychology
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: There are no prerequisites.

Course objectives: Acquiring basic knowledge about developmental psychology as a scientific discipline and specific methodological aspects of research on developmental change.

Course description: The concept of psychological development, important issues of developmental psychology (heredity and environment, continuity and discontinuity ...). Lay and scientific conceptions of psychological development; Methodological problems in research on developmental phenomena; Neurophysiological development; Periodization of development; Developmental norms (definition, types, origin, use of norms); Prenatal period; Early development; Early childhood; Middle childhood; Adolescence; Adulthood and aging; Early development and its developmental effects; Development of social relations; Impact of schools and education on development; Development in adolescence.

Learning Outcomes: Understanding the concepts of developmental change, developmental norms, periodization of development and the crucial changes at individual stages of development, as well as acquiring basic knowledge about important topics in developmental psychology (e.g. the formation of the symbolic function, development of social relationships, etc.).

  • •Cole, M. & Cole, S. (1993): Razvoj deteta; Sciefintic American Books, New York, odabrana poglavlja
  • •Mirić, J. (ur.) (1983): Kognitivni razvoj deteta (Zbornik 3); Savez društva psihologa Srbije, Beograd. tekstovi
  • •Ivić, I i sar. (1976) Razvoj i merenje inteligencije, tom I; Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd; str: 44-76; 106-115
  • •Ivić, I. (1987); Čovek kao animal symbolicum; Nolit, Beograd
  • •Ivić, I., Ignjatović-Savić, N. i Rosandić, R.: Priručnik za vežbe iz Razvojne psihologije
  • •Klark,A.M i Klark,A.D. (19 ) Rano iskustvo; Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd; tekstovi: Klark i Klark, J.Koluhova, M.Rater
  • •Pijaže, Ž. & Inhelder, B. (1978): Intelektualni razvoj deteta; Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd
  • •Pijaže, Ž. & Inhelder, B. (1990): Psihologija deteta; Izdavačka knjižnica Zorana Stojanovića, Srem. Karlovci
  • •Smiljanić, V. (1989): Razvojna psihologija; Savez društva psihologa Srbije, Beograd
  • •Vigotski, L.S. (1977): Mišljenje i govor; Nolit, Beograd